
  • 网络PUFF;Cream Puff;Creme Puff;Profiteroles
  1. 拉齐奥粉丝从体育馆返家途中一向在此停留数个小时,倚靠在他们的摩托车上,谈论球赛,一副男子汉的模样,一边吃着奶油泡芙。

    The Lazio fans always stop here on their way home from the stadium to stand in the street for hours , leaning up against their motorcycles , talking about the game , looking macho as anything , and eating cream puffs .

  2. 法式婚礼经常用焦糖奶油松饼作为婚礼蛋糕,一座很多令人欣喜的用糖浆粘起来的奶油泡芙塔。

    French weddings often serve a croquembouche as the wedding cake , a truly delightfully tower of cream-filled pastry puffed that can be dipped in any number of sweet sauces .