
  • 网络reward system;incentive system
  1. 基于Polyu掌纹数据库及自行建立的掌纹数据库进行实验证明,该算法能达到很高的识别率,能有效的提取掌纹图像特征。(3)基于前面研究的掌纹识别技术开发了一套消费奖励系统。

    The experiment in the Polyu palmprint database and self-captured palmprint database proved that the method has good recognition accuracy and can effectively extracts features from palmprint images . ( 3 ) A consumer reward system is designed and implemented based on previous studies in palmprint recognition technology .

  2. 关于完善中国科学院科技奖励系统的调查研究&以成都分院系统科技成果获奖情况为案例

    An Investigation on Improving the Sci-Tech Reward System of the CAS

  3. 本文的高校评优奖励系统基于SSH开源框架来实现,充分发挥SSH框架的优势,降低系统各层次之间的耦合度,使系统易于开发和维护。

    This system is based on opening source SSH framework to achieve . SSH framework can reduce system coupling between the various levels and make the system easy to develop and maintain . The system can fully play the advantages of SSH .

  4. 这常常与适当的奖励系统保持一致。

    This is often in keeping with the reward system in place .

  5. 这种奖励系统也已经被显示在控制疼痛中是关键的。

    This reward system has also been shown to be critical in pain management .

  6. 准确地说来,这里腹侧背盖区是大脑奖励系统的一部分。

    Indeed this part , the VTA , is part of the brain 's reward system .

  7. 我国科学奖励系统存在的主要问题及解决的新思路

    Main Problems with Our Country 's the Concept of Scientific Reward System and the New Ideas to Solve

  8. 当然,一些公司拥有公正、透明、基于工作表现的奖励系统,消除了性别歧视。

    A few companies , of course , have fair , transparent , performance-based compensation systems that eliminate gender inequities .

  9. 清代奖赏制度是多层次的奖励系统,其名目之多,范围之广,通贯全朝,涉及所有阶层。

    The reward system is multi-level aspect of incentives , including so wide range , covering all social stratums , and passing of national strength .

  10. 多巴胺处于大脑“奖励系统”的中心,当我们体验愉悦的经验时,帮助我们获得良好感觉。

    It is at the heart of the brain 's " reward " system – helping us to " feel good " when enjoying pleasurable experiences .

  11. 科学建制发展了一系列切合自身运行的控制手段,科学奖励系统是其中一个重要的方面。

    Scientific institution has developed a series of control means that fits in the motion of it ; the scientific award system is one of important aspects .

  12. 完整的科技奖励系统是由科学共同体内外部两个子奖励系统构成。

    A complete system of science and technology awards consists of two sub-systems , the one inside the science community and the one outside the science community .

  13. 这种行为是自发的,不被组织正式奖励系统直接或明确识别,但在总体上有利于提高组织功能和效率。

    It 's discretionary , not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system , and that in the aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the organization .

  14. 比如,如果你不是直接从酒店预订房间,通常就得放弃酒店忠诚度奖励系统中的奖励积分和贵宾资格积分。

    For instance , when you don 't book directly with a hotel , you often have to forgo points and elite qualifying stays in the hotel 's loyalty program ;

  15. 全新的体验还能激发大脑的奖励系统,让大脑充满与乐趣和依恋相关的强大的神经化学物质——当一个人第一次坠入爱河的时候,大脑中同样的回路会被激活。

    New experiences also can activate the brain 's reward system , flooding it with powerful neurochemicals related to pleasure and bonding ─ the same circuits triggered when a person first falls in love

  16. 科学社会学的默顿范式认为科学奖励系统的实质是承认,这根源于它的功能主义范式以及“科学中的社会”的研究取向。

    Merton thinks that the essential of the reward system in science is peer recognition . Its root comes from the paradigm of structural functionalism and the mindset of " society in science " .

  17. 叙述了数据挖掘的基本概念和实现数据挖掘的基本方法,并研究了数据挖掘技术在奖励系统的专家信息库中的应用方法。

    This paper introduces the basic concept and the fundamental method of the date mining technology . The application of the date mining on the expert information base of the technology reward management system is also discussed .

  18. 举个例子,假设两位宾客计划从7月24日至26日在佛罗里达州奥兰多市住宿,选择的是美国航空公司的AAdvantage忠诚度奖励系统。

    Let 's use as an example a hotel search I ran for two guests staying in Orlando , Fla. , from July 24 through July 26 , with AAdvantage from American Airlines as the loyalty program of choice .

  19. 从教师的成就欲和个体成长的角度出发,制定出一套物质激励和精神激励相结合的奖励系统,通过绩效考核结果,为教师评星级、实行低职高聘、强化教师进修制度等。

    Teachers ' achievements and individual growth Angle , develop a set of material and spiritual incentive bonus incentive system , performance evaluation results , for by teacher star , a low step , strengthening teacher education system , etc.

  20. 本文认为,只有逐渐放松对于博士后事业的行政管制,以备案制代替审批制,由服务型逐渐代替管理,才能促使博士后制度的参与各方建立基于科研奖励系统的自治管理制度和规范。

    It is pointed out in this thesis that only by gradually releasing the administrative control of postdoctoral course , and having management replaced by service , could we promote all involved parts of postdoctoral system to build up an autonomous management system based on the encouragement of scientific research .

  21. 科技奖励评审系统的前馈控制

    The Feedforward Control of Appraisal System of Science and Technology Awards

  22. 数据挖掘在科技奖励管理系统专家库中的应用

    Application of Data Mining on Expert Base of the Technology Reward Management System

  23. 方法连续3年评选护理服务明星护士,并进行考核、评价、奖励等系统管理。

    Method In the recent 3 years , the star nurse management system was established , including the process of selection , evaluation and rewards .

  24. 以一个浩大的,潜在的奖励和激励系统

    by using a grand , underlying reward and incentive system ,

  25. 文献检索显示,自公务员法实施以来,我国尚未有针对一省公务员奖励机制的系统化研究。

    Literature search shows that systematic study on a province of the civil service rewards does not exist since Civil Service Act has been implemented .

  26. 该方案解决了水印数据时信息隐藏和网络安全传输问题,已运用于国家科学技术奖励网络评审系统中。

    The scheme solved the problems of the information hiding and the network transmission of watermark data , and has been successfully applied to the Network Evaluation System of China National Science and Technology Awards .

  27. 然而共和党提名竞选人正在急不可耐地发明各种看上去注定会压榨穷人,进一步奖励富人的税收系统。

    And yet Republican candidates have been falling over themselves to invent tax proposals that look bound to squeeze the poor and reward the rich even more .

  28. 这是因为这两个广告的平均点击率很高,作为奖励,我们的系统将它们放置在这个更显眼的特殊位置。

    This is because these two ads , the average click-through rate is high , as a reward , our system will place them even more conspicuous in this special place .

  29. 此外,学校给予指导员的补助和奖励过少,教育系统对于校园足球的成绩不予认可,使得指导员失去了参与校园足球的热情。

    In addition , school subsidies and incentives given to instructors too small , the education system for the school football scores are not recognized , making the instructor lost the passion for football in school .

  30. 目前我国民间科技奖励已经广泛地发展起来,与国家科技奖励一起构成了我国科技奖励系统。

    Currently , S & T awards in non-governmental sector , which have already been grown up widely , has become an award system of our country with that in governmental sector .