
  • 网络Wage System
  1. 严济慈图书馆工资体系改革初探

    Probe into the Reform of The Wage System of YAN Ji-ci Library

  2. 一个更详尽的最低工资体系会把责任交回企业。

    A more comprehensive minimum wage system puts the responsibility back onto the businesses .

  3. ZH(福建)石油销售公司工资体系再设计

    Salary Redesign of ZH ( Fujian ) Fuels Distribution Company

  4. 同时进一步详细的制定了不同岗位的薪酬优化方案,绩效工资体系优化设计与FO烟花公司的福利优化设计。

    At the same time , further detailed should be set up , design the performance wage system optimization and FO fireworks company welfare optimum construction .

  5. 首先,明确了涟钢工资体系设计的影响因素及思路。

    Firstly , the affecting factors of LY payment system design and the thread of thought .

  6. 新工资体系中员工工资由岗位工资、绩效工资、年功工资和津贴构成。

    In the new salary system , the staff 's salary is composed of post salary > performance salary > .

  7. 工资体系是吸引和留住人才的重要因素,是单位人才建设的财力支撑。

    Salary system is the crucial factor of attracting and maintaining talent and financial support for the building of talent system .

  8. 因此,本文设计了适合设计人员的技能+绩效工资体系与适合生产人员的岗位+绩效工资体系。

    Therefore , this paper designed compensation system of skills plus performance for designers and compensation system of post plus performance for producers .

  9. 第二部分是对山东铝业公司现有工资体系的详细剖析,并指出其对企业现实经营管理的重要影响;

    A detailed analysis was made in the second part of this article , pointing out the vital influence to achieve the marketing management .

  10. 本研究构建的基于岗位的绩效工资体系较为合理、科学,为我国公立医院构建岗位绩效工资体系提供参考。

    This system is suitable , science , can supply the reference for public hospital to establish the performance pay system in our country .

  11. 经济学家艾尔丁说,埃及的工资体系需要全面改革。艾尔丁认为,在普通的埃及劳动者可以挣到一份足以糊口的工资之前,政府补贴不能取消。

    Economist Hanaa Kheir el-Din says the entire wage system needs to be overhauled , and the food subsidies cannot be removed until ordinary working Egyptians can earn a living wage .

  12. 在该工资体系下,销售人员为了获得最理想的工资收入,就必须认真研究目标市场,挖掘市场潜力,做出准确的销售预测,并努力实现自己预测的销售目标。

    In order to gain an ideal income , the seller must analyze the target market carefully , research the potential power of the market , make an accurate forecast of sales and pull off his goal in this system .

  13. 特别是设计中既保留了原来事业性工资体系中的职务工资和岗位工资成分,又增加了奖励性薪酬在工资中的比例,具有一定的创新意义。

    Then at the 6 point will lead to a higher pregnancy rate . Moreover , on the basis of remaining the position salary and post salary of the old system , the new scheme increased the percent of rewarding salary .

  14. 很大一部分原因是来自福特汽车的改革创新,改革涵盖了整套生产线而不是个别工位,以及支付工人与汽车销售额相符合的报酬的工资体系,这样便让他们扩大了市场占有率。

    some of this was because of Ford 's innovations , including assembly line production instead of individual hand crafting , as well as the concept of paying the workers a wage proportionate to the cost of the car , so that they would provide a ready made market .

  15. 最终建立科学的、合理的公务员工资制度体系。

    Finally establishes the science , the reasonable official wage payment system .

  16. 应设定知识和技能为主导的岗位工资要素体系。

    The factor system to calculate post wage should give priority to the factors of knowledge and skill .

  17. 作为工人的雇主,我发现计件工资率体系无法运行。

    G.C.Henning : As an employer of labor , I found that the piece-rate system does not work .

  18. 尝试建立工资调查体系,实现在同一区域内政府与企业相同岗位同工同酬。

    The salary survey system is established to achieve the equal pay for the same position in the same region .

  19. 此外,政府也将加强最低工资保证体系并对低收入员工提供更多的补助金。

    In addition , the government will also reinforce the lowest salary guarantee system , and provide more subsidies to low-income employees .

  20. 本文提出了医院绩效工资考核分配体系的设计原则,构建了基本框架,并对其预期效果进行了分析。

    This paper discussed the principle of design , the frame and the expected effect about the appraisal and distribution system of the performance-related-pay in hospital .

  21. 事实证明,计算机编程语言在工资档案管理体系的应用,使数据管理更现代化,自动化,智能化。

    Facts have proved that computer programming language in the application of wage records management system to make data management more modern , automated and intelligent .

  22. 有建立薪酬体系并实施的经验,包括基本工资和津贴体系的管理,工作分析及职位评估,薪酬调查和分析,工资结构等。

    Working knowledge of fundamental compensation concepts and practices , including base and incentive pay administration , job analysis and evaluation , salary survey completion and analysis , market pricing , salary structure .

  23. 为加强国有商业银行薪酬市场竞争力,国有商业银行应改革现行工资总额分配体系,构建以业绩为导向的考评指标体系,并建立长效分配激励机制。

    In order to strength the market competitive power of domestic commercial banks , these banks should reform the present remuneration allocation system , establish a evolution system base on performance , and set up a long term effective allocation motivation system .

  24. 第四部分针对问题提出了四个改善对策,工资与福利体系的适应性规划、辅助员工进行职业生涯规划、实行职业轮换和建立与绩效考核挂钩的薪酬体系。

    The final part provides four solutions to the problems from such aspects as programming of adaptability in salary and welfare system , assisting staff in planning professional career , implementing rotation of occupations and setting up of a remuneration system based on performance .

  25. 工资是整体薪酬体系的主体部分。

    Base pay is the master element in total rewards system .

  26. 全新设置员工发展和培养体系,以新的视角分析和制定了绩效考核,引入宽带工资和多种奖励体系。

    Career developing model and training system analyzed by new viewpoint . Wide band salary and various bonus is imported to the company .

  27. 结合外部薪酬调查和内部薪酬数据分析,提出将该公司计时工资制的薪酬体系改变成计件工资制的薪酬体系。

    By combination of the exterior salary investigation and the internal salary data analysis , the thesis proposes to adapt piece-rate salary system instead of time-rate salary system .

  28. 现行工资制度、分配体系的矛盾和问题日益显现,工资制度对高校教职工的行为牵引和绩效改进的功能性作用还没有得到充分发挥。

    The contradiction and problems of the present salary system and the assignment system are obvious . The function of salary system guide the college teachers and improve their performance is far from satisfactory .

  29. 根据专业技术人员和管理服务人员的特点,使用具体分析方法,设计了一套以岗位工资为主体的结构工资体系。

    According to the features of the professional and technical staffs , and the management and service personals , a set of wage structure systems including many wage structures in which the post wage is the main part are designed by means of the quantitative and qualitative analysis .

  30. 分析了工资的功能,指出了设计工资体系中应注意的几个关系。

    This paper analyzes on the function of the wage , and points out several relationships needing attention in the design of the wage system .