- 名bonus tax;tax on bonus

The UK bonus tax , which was imposed last year but recognised in this quarter 's results , trimmed $ 0.14 from earnings per share .
The bank also set aside more than $ 1bn for the UK bonus tax and penalties it agreed to pay last week to settle with the Securities and Exchange Commission .
The anger over bankers'pay hit new levels just over a week ago when the US House of Representatives voted for a90 % tax on bonuses paid to senior staff at failed insurer AIG .
A bonus tax was floated in Washington .
The administration can ill-afford distractions , such as the 90 per cent bonus tax .
The new bonus will not be subject to the tax , which expired in April .
Not only is its outcry against the bonus tax unnecessary , it is also inappropriate .
Analysts say the tax will be a negative factor when US banks report results for the April-June period next month , reducing earnings per share at Citi , JPMorgan and BofA by some 10 per cent or more .
Ten days ago the House of Representatives voted to impose a 90 per cent tax retroactively on bonuses for those earning more than $ 125,000 who work at taxpayer-aided firms the same firms who may now be deterred from participating in future government rescues .
Both banks cut the ratio of pay-to-revenue from a typical norm of about 50 per cent to 30-40 per cent , partly as they passed on the cost of the UK bonus tax to staff , but partly , too , in an effort to placate the public outcry .
The UK government is now toying with a windfall bonus tax .
In those circumstances , it is not surprising that higher taxes on banks and bankers ' bonuses enjoy strong public support .
That is why we target an incentive pool of 15-20 per cent of our operating profits before bonuses and taxes for distribution to our top-performing people .
Britain 's chancellor imposed a supertax on bankers'bonuses in Britain .
Meanwhile , a political response by Washington to the UK government 's supertax on bonuses looms .
France yesterday said it would follow Britain 's lead in levying a supertax on bankers ' bonuses giving added momentum to global efforts to curb high levels of financial sector pay .
The levy , to be paid by banks , will come on top of the marginal tax applied to individuals ' bonus pay-outs .
Mr Darling stressed that the tax imposed by London on bankers ' bonuses above £ 25,000 – similar to the move adopted in France – was a one-off and that it would not be repeated .
Executives and tax experts say the vague wording of the measure , which requires banks to pay a 50 per cent tax on all UK bonuses above 25,000 this year , raised fears it might encompass non-UK residents .
The French government is still working on the details of its levy but intends to bring Paris into line with London by forcing banks to pay 50 per cent tax on bonus pay-outs for 2009 above 27,000 ( $ 39,700 ) .
Credit Suisse is to cut planned bonus payouts to senior UK staff by more than a third , becoming the first bank to pass on the bulk of a British supertax on bonuses to bankers .
The pay-outs come as bankers in the US and Europe face public anger over probable multi-million dollar bonuses at the end of this year and , in Britain and France , additional taxes on these pay-outs .