
  • 网络Offset current;input offset current
  1. R2和R4用来降低因输入失调电流产生的误差,其原理与前文光电二极管放大器所述一致。

    R2 and R4 are chosen to minimize errors due to input offset current as outlined in the section describing the photocell amplifier .

  2. 指出在高等院校工科电气电子类模拟电子技术课程常用教材和参考书中关于模拟集成运算放大器输入失调电流IIO的定义不一致的问题。

    This article points out the difference in the definition of input offset current about analog Integrated Operational Amplifier Circuit ( IOAC ) in common teaching material for analog electronics .

  3. 该转换电路基于混沌系统的初值敏感性和符号动力学,在考虑运算放大器和比较器失调电流、失调电压的情况下,通过对其非线性动力学分析所得为sawtooth映射。

    Based on sensitive dependence on initial conditions in chaotic systems and symbol dynamics , a novel nonlinear circuit was designed .

  4. 通过讨论输入失调电流对集成运算放大器输出的影响,推导出集成运算放大器外围阻抗的最佳取值关系。

    After discussing how the input offset current influences the output of operational amplifier , the optimal relationship between peripheral impedance is obtained .

  5. 模拟结果表明:跨导器总谐波失真可达到-59.2dB,输出失调电流136nA。

    The stimulating results show that the THD ( Total Harmonic Distortion ) of the transconductor is-59.2 dB and the output offset current is 136 nA .

  6. 分析了运算放大器的噪声电压、噪声电流、失调电压、失调电流和硅光电二极管的噪声因素对硅光电二极管与运算放大器组合电路的影响。

    We also analyze the effect of input noise voltage and current , input offset voltage and current of the operational amplifier , and the noise of the silicon photodiode on the combined circuit of the operational amplifier with the silicon photodiode .

  7. 从集成运放输入失调电压、偏置电流及其漂移、集成运放增益和带宽、温度变化对积分电路的影响3个方面分析了传统的模拟积分器对测量精度的影响,并总结出了误差公式。

    The influence of traditional analog integrator on measuring precision is analyzed from three aspects of integrated operational amplifier : the maladjusted input voltage , bias current and its drift , the gain and band width and the temperature change . The error formula is summarized .

  8. 实验结果表明该测试仪能准确测量运算放大器的输入失调电压、输入失调电流、交流差模开环电压增益和交流共模抑制比等参数。

    Experimental results show that the device can precisely measure many parameters of IOA , such as input offset voltage , input offset current , open loop differential AC voltage gain and AC common mode rejection ratio .

  9. 对于超高速集成运算放大器,如无特殊措施,无论是场效应型还是双极型超高速运放,原则上均不能同时获得低的失调电压和低的失调电流。

    For very high-speed / high-speed op amp IC 's , whether it is field-effect type or bipolar type , it is generally not possible to achieve low offset voltage and low offset current at the same time without special measures .

  10. 微弱光电流信号的放大一直是关键,选用了低失调电压和低失调电压漂移、低输入偏置电流和低失调电流误差的ICL7650作为运放,设计了对光强的精密测量电路。

    As the same time , ICL7650 is selected to amplify the slender signal as it offers exceptionally low input offset voltage and is extremely stable with respect to time and temperature .