- avigator

These aging pilots carried a common genetic variation that is believed to reduce BDNF activity in their brains .
What we needed was a pilot .
It measures the sustained attention that is vital for pilots , truck drivers , astronauts .
Charles Stewart Rolls , aviator and co-founder of the engineering firm of Rolls Royce , was killed in an air crash in Dorset .
Get-away drama brief introduction : the pretty true emulation flies game , each dream likes to be the friend of the airplane teacher a forerunner to experience personally once !
You should understand that for a family that lives in the mountain regions or a poor area , it only takes one son or daughter to become a pilot or a flight attendant to lift the family out of poverty .
Chris Robben ( Editor ) : Kate comes from a very stable middle-class family : her parents run their own business . They both were in the airline business - initially her mom , a stewardess and father , a pilot .
Aircraft mechanic Xavier Gach says one of the greatest challenges is finding parts and material for restoration .
The first of a batch of two hundred and fifty embryonic rocket-plane engineers was just passing the eleven hundred metre mark on Rack 3 .
For example , in the aerospace industry the SAML attribute role : mechanic defines a mechanic at an airline .