
cuò cí
  • diction;word;turn a phrases;phraseology;expression;phrasing;term;couch
措辞 [cuò cí]
  • [word;turn a phrases;diction] 说话、行文时选用词句

  • 措词强硬

  • 他善于措词

措辞[cuò cí]
  1. 问题的措辞会影响人们的回答。

    The wording of questions can influence how people answer .

  2. 这里的措辞故意模棱两可。

    The wording was deliberately ambiguous .

  3. 我所用的措辞是纯叙述性的。

    The term I used was meant to be purely descriptive .

  4. 我们想要以最强硬的措辞抗议。

    We wish to protest in the strongest possible terms .

  5. 这封信内容简短,措辞特别客气。

    The letter was brief , and couched in very polite terms .

  6. 那样的措辞并不是十分恰当。

    That wasn 't the happiest choice of words .

  7. 那是一种不恰当的措辞。

    It was an unfortunate choice of words .

  8. 她的命令措辞好像是一项建议。

    Her order was phrased as a suggestion .

  9. 这份报告的措辞模棱两可。

    The phrasing of the report is ambiguous .

  10. 如果撒谎,措辞要简短;千万别画蛇添足。

    If you 're telling lies , keep it simple ─ never over-egg the pudding .

  11. 她措辞谨慎。

    She chose her words with care .

  12. 他说起话来合乎情理,措辞谨慎,而且说服力强。

    He spoke reasonably , carefully , and with telling effect

  13. 我让她原原本本地重复一下帕蒂的措辞。

    I asked her to repeat specifically the words that Patti had used

  14. 关于此则报道的措辞议论纷纷。

    There was a lot of discussion about the wording of the report

  15. 双方未能就最终报告的措辞达成一致。

    The two sides failed to agree on the wording of a final report

  16. 如果换作我写这封信,我或许会用不同的措辞。

    If I had written the letter , I might have worded it differently .

  17. 措辞十分模糊,谁也不知道究竟是什么意思。

    The wording is so vague that no one actually knows what it means .

  18. 最终措辞仍未敲定。

    The final wording had not yet been determined

  19. 和之前的备忘录相比,他递交给总统的总结报告措辞要更为温和得体。

    His final report to the President was far more temperate and balanced than the earlier memorandum .

  20. 我觉得现在还不是对报告的措辞较真的时候。

    I don 't think this is the time to cavil at the wording of the report .

  21. 他每次一提笔就不知道如何措辞透露这个消息。

    Whenever he put pen to paper he was at a loss for the right words to break the news .

  22. 措辞晦涩,致使人误解本意。

    The wording is so ambiguous that it leads to misinterpretations .

  23. 那项建议的措辞可以更婉转些。

    The suggestion might be worded more politely .

  24. 措辞谨慎可使意义清楚。

    Careful wording aids clearness .

  25. 措辞简练使文笔有力。

    A succinct style lends vigour to writing .

  26. 你的措辞也会有很大的不同。

    Your choice of words can make a big difference , too .

  27. 他的措辞引起了相当大的轰动。

    His choice of words created quite a furor .

  28. 他们为社论的措辞争论了一个小时。

    For a full hour they argued over the wording of the editorial .

  29. 文中有一些不贴切的措辞。

    There are several infelicitous remarks in this article .

  30. 他的诗中的措辞往往带有描写群体感情和思想的印记。

    His poetic idiom is stamped with expressions describing group feeling and thought .