
shī wù zhāo lǐng
  • Lost and Found;advertise for the owner of a lost thing;Articles found, owner please contact
失物招领[shī wù zhāo lǐng]
  1. 我当时正在德比的失物招领处打听。

    I was enquiring in Lost Property at Derby .

  2. B:你好。李女士。我要去失物招领处。

    B : Hello . Ms Li . I 'm going to the Lost and Found Office .

  3. 机场和车站的失物招领处每天都有成百上千的东西。

    Every day there are hundreds of things at lost and found offices at airports and stations .

  4. 我来打电话给Staten岛渡轮的失物招领处。

    I 'll call the Staten Island Ferry lost-and-found office .

  5. 在失物招领处的钥匙是你的么?

    3is that your key in the lost and found case ?

  6. 他们会指引你到失物招领处。

    They 'll direct you to the Lost and Found department .

  7. 在失物招领柜上的那个笔记本是你的吗?

    Is that your notebook in the lost and found case ?

  8. 请问机场的失物招领办公室在哪里?

    Where 's the lost and found office at the airport ?

  9. 担心在失物招领处该说些什么吗?

    Worried about what to say at the Lost and Found ?

  10. 请到酒店失物招领处找找。

    Please look for it in the hotel lost-and-found office .

  11. 他们决定把它送到本城的失物招领处去。

    They decided to send it to the city 's lost-property office .

  12. 商店有失物招领处吗?

    Is there a lost and found in the store ?

  13. 我建议你去失物招领处看看。

    I suggest you go to the Lost and Found .

  14. 我在失物招领处认领了丢失的行李。

    I claimed the my lost luggage at the Lost and Found .

  15. 当然可以,先生。这事归失物招领处管。

    Yes , sir . that 'll be the lost property department .

  16. 你的电脑游戏(机)在失物招领箱里吗?

    Is that your computer game in the lost and found case ?

  17. 去失物招领处这样走对吗?

    Is this the right way to the lost and found office ?

  18. 我能看到失物招领箱里有很多东西。

    I can see many things in the lost and found case .

  19. 它们已经被转到失物招领部去了。

    They have been transferred to the Lost Property Section .

  20. 请到宾馆的失物招领处寻找。

    Please look for it in the hotel lose-and-found office .

  21. 这是“失物招领栏”的头一则广告。

    It was the first announcement in the " Found " column .

  22. 去看看是否在失物招领处。

    Go and see if it 's in lost property .

  23. 失物招领箱里的那些东西是什么?

    What 're those in the lost and found case ?

  24. 请您到我们的失物招领部说明情况好吗?

    Will you please report it to our lost and found section ?

  25. 这条消息是有关失物招领的。

    The news is about one of the lost-and-found cases .

  26. 失物招领处在用户服务部。

    The lost and found is in the circulation department .

  27. 你可以到失物招领处检查一下吗?

    Will you check at the lost and found desk ?

  28. 派克先生去了失物招领处。

    Parker went to the lost and found office .

  29. 她在失物招领处认领了雨伞。

    She claimed the umbrella from lost and found .

  30. 你是什么人,失物招领处的?

    What are you , the lost and found ?