
fū qī ɡònɡ tónɡ cái chǎn
  • community property ;ganancial property
  1. 在加利福尼亚等实行夫妻共同财产制(communityproperty)的州,婚后财产往往是对半分。

    In ' community property ' states , such as California , marital assets are typically split 50-50 .

  2. 如何保护夫妻共同财产所有权

    On protection of the ownership of conjugal estates by the entirety

  3. 论夫妻共同财产制的不足与完善

    On Defects And Improvement Of Marital Common Property System

  4. 浅谈夫妻共同财产的使用和管理

    The Usage and Management of the Common Property of the Man and Wife

  5. 杜晓伟个人存款为我们夫妻共同财产。

    Du xiaowei 's personal savings were our joint property of the spouses .

  6. 婚姻法不宜设定以夫妻共同财产清偿共同债务

    Paying off Common Debts with Property Shared by Both Husband and Wife : Not Advisable

  7. 第二,保护夫妻共同财产,维护家庭整体利益。

    Second , protect joint property .

  8. 最后完善夫妻共同财产分割制度中的保障与补偿机制。

    Finally , the jointly owned property division improve the system of protection and compensation mechanisms .

  9. 当然也为夫妻共同财产的分割打下了良好的理论基础。

    Of course , it also lays a good theoretical foundation for the division of joint property .

  10. 在本论文中我们讨论的是夫妻共同财产的分割。

    In this paper we are talking about the division of Common property of husband and wife .

  11. 两种处理原则的着眼点不同,第一种方式旨在扩大夫妻共同财产的范围,承认人力资本是夫妻共同财产。

    The two principles are different , the first approach seeks to expand the scope of property .

  12. 对家务劳动的社会性别分析&兼谈我国夫妻共同财产的范围

    Research from the Prospect of Gender Analysis on Housework & Also on the Scale of Marital Property in China

  13. 而解决这些问题的前提,是对夫妻共同财产的范围予以明确认定。

    But the premise to solve these question , is recognizing clearly the husbands and wives joint property scope .

  14. 婚内损害赔偿与夫妻共同财产制的冲突和协调

    Conflict and Coordination Among Damage Compensation During Marriage Period and the System of Common Property of the Wife and Husband

  15. 在司法实践中,夫妻共同财产分割遇到了很多新的问题,离婚时的共同财产分割显得更为复杂。

    In judicial practice , there have been lots of problems for the partition of community property , especially under divorce .

  16. 而离婚则不同,在大多数情况下财产将按夫妻共同财产进行分割。

    Divorce is different ; usually , the property is divided as the common one of the husband and the wife .

  17. 对中国夫妻共同财产范围的社会性别分析&兼论家务劳动的价值

    Research from the Prospect of Gender Analysis on the Scale of Marital Property in China Study on the Value of Housework

  18. 第一部分,概述在我国夫妻共同财产的范围及离婚案件中涉及房产的主要类型。

    The first part , an overview of the scope of our jointly owned property and divorce cases involving major property types .

  19. 但该律师没有证据证明其观点,所以法官同情安德莉亚,认为律师毁谤,因此给了她95%的夫妻共同财产

    There was no proof of it , and a judge sympathized and awarded her 95 % of their net worth for defamation .

  20. 一个家庭的解散等待解决的问题有很多,夫妻共同财产的分割是一个重要问题。

    The dissolution of a family there are many questions to be solved here , we focus on the partition of jointly owned property .

  21. 谋生技能作为夫妻共同财产的法理分析&兼评《婚姻法》第40条

    A Legal Analyses on Whether Living Skill Could be Considered as Community Property & With an argument to the clause of No.40 of Marriage Law

  22. 如果为夫妻共同财产在没有特别约定的情况下就按平均主义兼顾照顾妇女的原则进行分配。

    If the joint property of husband and wife in the absence of special agreement on both the care of women equalitarianism principle of distribution .

  23. 如果玛丽与他人建立新的关系并同居此房,三年后,该房便成为“关系财产”(旧称“夫妻共同财产”)。

    If Mary should enter into a new relationship and her new partner lives in the home , after three years the home will become relationship property .

  24. 本章立足于德国法,法国法,意大利和我国台湾地区关于夫妻共同财产制的内部调节机制和夫妻共有权之考察。

    This part is based on the internal adjustment mechanism and mutual right of communal estate regime in the German , French , Italy and Taiwan area .

  25. 在婚姻关系存续期间获得的文凭、职业证书和执照在性质上属于人力资本,具有财产属性,是夫妻共同财产。

    Diploma , vocational certificates and licenses in the marital relationship continues to exist in the nature of human capital , with the property is jointly owned property .

  26. 现行婚姻法所规定的以夫妻共同财产清偿共同债务的做法不妥,这一规定在司法实践中易产生多种问题。

    The regulation of the current marriage law that the debts shall be paid with property shared by husband and wife tends to result in many problems in judicial practice .

  27. 另外,无过错方可以得到家人更多的支持,在道德伦理上更有利,从而获得更多的夫妻共同财产。

    In addition , the unerring party can win more support from family members and seize the moral high ground to gain a greater share of the couple 's property .

  28. 根据我国现阶段的国情,提出宜在我国现行《婚姻法》第18条之后增设立夫妻共同财产制的内部调节机制。

    According to the situation of our country , I put forward that it is appropriate to establish internal adjustment mechanism of communal estate regime after article 18 in the Marriage Law .

  29. 焦点问题主要有两个,第一按揭房屋的权属问题,即按揭房屋为婚前个人财产还是夫妻共同财产。

    Focus problems mainly in the following two : 1 , the mortgage of house ownership problem . That mortgage housing for premarital personal property or the joint property of husband and wife .

  30. 法定财产制是夫妻共同财产制与个人特有财产制的结合,这一财产制度在夫妻双方未采取约定财产制的情况下被广泛使用。

    It 's necessary to improve the divorcing partition system under the present marriage law of China , for it is too narrow in defining the range of common property of the couple .