
fū qī
  • spouse;man and wife
夫妻 [fū qī]
  • [man and wife] 夫妇;男女二人结成的合法婚姻关系。也作夫妇

夫妻[fū qī]
  1. 我现在宣布你们结为夫妻。

    I now pronounce you man and wife .

  2. 略论中国夫妻财产约定制度

    On the agreement system of the property of man and wife

  3. 传统的观念是结成夫妻就要白头到老。

    The traditional view was that marriage was meant to last .

  4. 作为夫妻,他们并不十分般配。

    As a couple they are not very well matched .

  5. 这对夫妻男俊女靓。

    The two of them made a handsome couple .

  6. 许多夫妻彻底交换了角色,男人待在家里而女人出外工作。

    In many marriages there has been a complete role reversal with the man staying at home and the woman going out to work .

  7. 有好多年,那对夫妻跌宕起伏的关系总是登上报纸头条。

    For years , the couple 's tempestuous relationship made the headlines

  8. 夫妻两人对他们婚姻出现问题的谣言一笑置之。

    The couple laughed off rumours that their marriage was in trouble

  9. 现在夫妻双方分别按各自的收入纳税。

    Husband and wife are now taxed separately on their incomes

  10. 这对夫妻被巨大的水流卷走了。

    The couple were swept away by the strong current .

  11. 我最近一次听说时,乔和艾琳仍然是一对快乐的夫妻。

    The last I heard , Joe and Irene were still happily married .

  12. 遭遇海难的那对夫妻被两名渔夫救起。

    The shipwrecked couple were rescued by two fishermen .

  13. 离婚解除了夫妻双方相互之间所有的婚姻义务。

    Divorce releases both the husband and wife from all marital obligations to each other

  14. 大约1/6的夫妻有受孕困难。

    About one in six couples has difficulty conceiving

  15. 消防队员和警察匆匆赶往现场,但这对夫妻已经丧命。

    Fire and police crews rushed to the scene , but the couple were already dead

  16. 那对夫妻承认他们3年的婚姻正在经历一个“困难期”。

    The pair admitted that their three-year-old marriage was going through ' a difficult time '

  17. 他们让人明显感觉是一对无牵无挂只求长相厮守的夫妻。

    They certainly gave the impression of a carefree couple who delighted in each other 's company

  18. 他们是夫妻吗?

    Are they husband and wife ?

  19. 这对夫妻没有孩子。

    The couple have no children .

  20. 美满的婚姻中,夫妻双方会共同努力去解决出现的任何问题。

    In a good marriage , both husband and wife work hard to solve any problems that arise

  21. 他们是那种典型的想要孩子但不考虑花销有多大的夫妻。

    They are typical of couples who plan a family without reckoning on the small fortune it will cost

  22. 孩子患了不治之症的一对夫妻想要培育一个设计婴儿来挽救儿子的性命。

    A couple with a terminally ill child want to create a designer baby that could save the boy 's life .

  23. 我同意婚姻里可能已经没有了浪漫这一说法,而且很多夫妻都的确如此。

    I accept that the romance may have gone out of the marriage , but surely this is true of many couples

  24. 结婚之后,这对年轻的夫妻过着幸福的生活。

    Since their marriage , the young couple has been living happily .

  25. 这两对夫妻的经济状况差不多。

    The two couples are in a comparable financial situation .

  26. 她用这种手段离间这对夫妻。

    By this means she cast in a bone between the wife and husband .

  27. 夫妻关系出现了裂痕。

    A note of discord crept between wife and husband .

  28. 夫妻之间不要说这种绝情的话。

    Husband and wife should not say such heartless things to each other .

  29. 夫妻间争吵是很不幸的事。

    It was very sad when husbands and wives quarrelled with each other .

  30. 夫妻两人风雨同舟五十年。

    The couple has gone together through storm and stress for fifty years .