
  1. C带位于彭灌断裂与广元&大邑断裂之间,属变形构造地层带,主要由侏罗系至第三系红层构成。

    Zone C , lying between the Pengxian Guanxian fault ( F 3 ) and Guangyuan Dayi fault ( F 4 ), is a tectostratigraphic zone of deformation and consists mainly of Jurassic to Neogene strata .

  2. 区域工业结构与污染效应分析&以成都市大邑县为例

    The Analysis of the Effect between Territorial Industry Construction and Pollution

  3. 大邑县生态示范区的生态旅游开发与建设

    Research on Exploitation and Construction of Ecotourism in Ecologic Demonstration Area

  4. 1998年大邑山区山地灾害及其成因

    Mountain Hazards and Genesis in Dayi Mountain Areas in 1998

  5. 大邑县小城镇建设与环境保护对策

    Construction of Small Town and the Strategy of Environmental Protection in Dayi County

  6. 成都市大邑县国家级生态示范县建设规划研究

    Research on Plan of Nation-level Ecologic Experimental Area Construction in Da Yi County

  7. 多参数地震属性在大邑地区超致密储层预测中的应用

    Application of Multi-parameter Seismic Attributes in Forecasting Super Tight Reservoir in Dayi Area

  8. 成都市大邑县某公路滑坡成因机制及稳定性分析

    Analysis of formation mechanism and stability of a landslide in dayi , chengdu

  9. 四川盆地大邑构造的构造建模与构造解释研究

    The Study of Structure Modeling and Structure Interpretation of DaYi Structure in Sichuan Basin

  10. 从大邑刘氏庄园看外来文化对中国建筑的影响

    Study on the External Cultural Influence on Chinese Architecture from the Liu 's manor

  11. 这些冰楔发育于大邑砾岩露头的顶部。

    These ice-wedges have been developed on the top of the outcrop of Dayi Conglomerate .

  12. 川西坳陷大邑构造须家河组储层特征研究

    The Research of Characteristic of Xujiahe Formation Reservoir in Dayi Structure of the Western Sichuan Depression

  13. 大调解行动与大调解机制&以成都市大邑县为观察样本

    Grand Mediation Campaign and Grand Mediation Mechanism : A Case Study of Dayi County in Chengdu

  14. 但巨石城墙造价昂贵,只有富庶城邑或名城大邑方有财力修建。

    Because of the expense , these walls are usually only built around rich or prestigious towns .

  15. 四川大邑汶川地区侏罗第三系砾岩特征及沉积环境

    Characteristics of Jurassic - Tertiary conglomerates and depositional environment in the Dayi - Wenchuan area , Sichuan

  16. 那些雕塑还在,但是近年来的一波回头客在大邑县境内来了次旧地重游。

    The sculptures are still there , but in recent years a wave of revisionism has been sweeping across Dayi .

  17. 刘文彩为当地学校花费了大量钱财,出资相互修建从成都到大邑县的公路。

    He spent a lot of money on local schools and paid for a road to be built from Chengdu to Dayi .

  18. 花器解剖和授粉试验表明,大邑梅有较高的繁殖力,保持着野生种的特性。

    Flower anatomy and pollination test showed Armeniaca mume in Da'yi had a higher reproductive capacity and kept some characters of the wild species .

  19. 至于它的广为流传,最重要的一个因素或许是桂林这地方民风纯朴、生活习俗、语言文字大体同于中土大邑,深得那些旅桂人士的青睐与认同。

    As to its popularization , the most important factor is that they approve of unsophisticated local people , living custom and similar literal style .

  20. 进而提出在山前隐蔽带首钻大邑、重上鸭子河、探索金马、聚源的部署建议。

    In addition , Dayi , Yazihe , Jinma and Juyuan in the subtle area of the front of mountain should be paid more attention to .

  21. 被成都市选出来作为土改先行先试点的大邑县说,在去年年中它就已经完成了这一任务。

    Dayi county , chosen by Chengdu as a trailblazer for land reform , says it got the job done by the middle of last year .

  22. 去年,刘文彩的一位孙子为了光耀刘氏门楣,在大邑县组织了一次大团聚。

    Last year a grandson organised a get-together in Dayi for the extended Liu clan , whose members would once have been terrified of revealing their ties .

  23. 去年,刘文彩的一位重孙为了延续刘氏的香火,在大邑县组织了一次大团聚。这些人员曾一度对于自己身份的泄露而倍感恐惧,而那次团聚的出场人数超过1000人。

    Last year a grandson organised a get-together in Dayi for the extended Liu clan , whose members would once have been terrified of revealing their ties . More than 1000 turned up .

  24. 据此认为龙门山南段的大邑、高家场&莲花山构造带是最有利地带,可以找到大、中型油气田;

    Hereby , it is concluded that the structural belt from Gaojiachang to Lianhuashan in the southern Longmenshan is the most favorable zone in which large and medium oil and gas fields may be discovered .

  25. 蘑菇连作土壤的异地盆栽试验表明,大邑县韩场镇蘑菇连作障碍因子存在于土壤中。

    The results follows : The results of the pot mushroom cropping experiment suggested that , at Han Chang town in Dayi County , the mushroom continuous cropping problem factors were existed in the soil .

  26. 大邑县距离四川省省会成都市有几个小时的车程,那里有一座农家宅院,里面的庭院错落有致,经常能看到中国游客来此参观。

    IN DAYI COUNTY , a couple of hours ' drive down a motorway from the city of Chengdu , the capital of Sichuan Province , Chinese tourists stroll through the meandering courtyards of a rural mansion .

  27. 对此,作者以成都市大邑县安仁古镇为例,分析古镇如何正确把握自身特色,并在合理适度开发的同时做好古镇保护工作。

    Taking the ancient town of Anren , which is located at Dayi County , Chengdu as an example , the author will approach the way for the appropriate development of the ancient town with local advantages .

  28. 在大邑县,距离四川省府成都市数小时车程的一个县城里,中国游客漫步于一家乡间宅所那曲折的庭院里。

    IN DAYI COUNTY , a couple of hours " drive down a motorway from the city of Chengdu , the capital of Sichuan Province , Chinese tourists stroll through the meandering courtyards of a rural mansion .

  29. 通过对大邑、邛崃两县3027头山羊调查,了解到麻羊遗传性稳定、较早熟、体质结实,其外形特征与原报导多处相符,但有所变化。

    The genetic traits of the brown goat are stable , and it is early-maturing and physically strong , Most of the external characters are essentially in agreement with published reports , but some of them have changed .