
chuān suō wài jiāo
  • shuttle diplomacy
  1. 联合国调解员在双方之间进行穿梭外交。

    UN mediators are conducting shuttle diplomacy between the two sides .

  2. 实际上,正是g20成员国一些高级公职人员的穿梭外交,才使得庆州协议成为可能,并缓和了紧张关系。

    Indeed , it was the shuttle diplomacy of some senior civil servants of G20 countries that made the Gyeongju agreement possible and diffused tensions .

  3. 他把穿梭外交艺术提高到炉火纯青的地步。

    He refined the whole art of shuttle diplomacy .

  4. 这个星期,尽管赖斯进行了穿梭外交,黎巴嫩仍是战火熊熊。

    Lebanon this week was still in flames , despite Ms Rice 's shuttle diplomacy ( see article ) .

  5. 美国国会议员和其它国家的高层官员都在南亚访问,向印度方面表达哀悼之情,并或许进行某种穿梭外交努力。

    The U.S. lawmakers are among those visiting the region to offer condolences and perhaps engage in some shuttle diplomacy .

  6. 克里正在巴勒斯坦和以色列官员之间进行穿梭外交,希望借此推动双方举行和谈。

    Kerry 's doing shuttle diplomacy between Palestinian and Israeli officials , hoping to jump-start peace talks between both sides .

  7. 在中东地区的穿梭外交上,美国国务卿约翰·克里肯定了获得的进展,但是他也承认前方仍困难重重。

    U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is citing progress , but also acknowledging tough obstacles as he engages in shuttle diplomacy in the Middle East .

  8. 在接下来的穿梭外交活动中,马蒂在承认没有政治或经济制裁的威胁手段使他难以开展工作的同时,也为东盟国家建立共识的做法进行辩护。

    During the months of shuttle diplomacy , Natalegawa defended ASEAN 's consensus-building approach , but he also said his job is more difficult without the threat of political or economic sanctions .

  9. 这18个月真是受够了,他不时要投入军控的繁重工作、多轮穿梭外交,1982年还要避免爆发马岛战争。

    Eighteen months of this , though punctuated by hard work on arms control and a valiant bout of shuttle diplomacy , in 1982 , to try to avert the Falklands war , were more than enough .

  10. 在中东开展了一周的穿梭外交之后,克里周日返回了华盛顿。不过,他此次斡旋没能终结这一轮已延续21天、导致1050人丧生的冲突。

    US secretary of state John Kerry returned to Washington on Sunday after a week of shuttle diplomacy in the Middle East that failed to bring an end to the 21-day conflict , which has already left 1,050 people dead .