
  • 网络Outstanding person;Exils;exiles
  1. 学校向学业成绩优异者授予奖学金。

    Schools award scholarships for high academic achievement .

  2. 另一个表现优异者是佳酿基金(vintagewinefund)。

    Another high performer is the vintage wine fund .

  3. 小班授课可能会让成绩不及格的美国学生变为成绩优异者。

    Small classes can turn failing American school students into out-performers .

  4. 学校设立奖学金,以鼓励成绩优异者。

    Universities set up scholarship to encourage the top students .

  5. 佼佼者,优异者:某一领域的专家。

    Ace : an expert in a given field .

  6. 我们当中的大多数成绩优异者,无不是勤奋学习的典范。

    Most of us are outstanding , and no model is not hard to learn .

  7. 同样地,认为自己成绩优异者较成绩差劣者生活满足感指数较高。

    Similarly , those considered themselves distinctive in academic performance had higher life satisfaction scores than those rating themselves poor in academic performance .

  8. “聘请教练是公司对表现优异者的一项投资,”韦德说,她本人目前也正在接受培训。

    Hiring a coach " is an investment in people who we see as very solid performers , " says Wade , who is taking coaching classes herself .

  9. 余下的部分则按照普利策先生的遗愿设置成奖金,用来奖励美国最优秀的作品。学校设立奖学金,以鼓励成绩优异者。

    He wanted the rest of the money to be used as prizes for the best writing in the United States . Universities set up scholarship to encourage the top students .

  10. 职业学校应考查学生学业成绩,学生学业成绩优异者,得缩短其修业年限半年至一年;

    Vocational schools shall scrutinize the study performance of students ; the school shall shorten the term of study of the students with excellent academic performance by a half to one year .

  11. 企业通常利用高薪或加薪来留住业绩优异者,但是业绩考核本身就是件难事,在某些简单的衡量标准(例如完成的器件或应答的客服电话数量)行不通的领域尤为如此。

    Companies use salaries and raises to retain their high performers , but measuring performance itself is difficult , especially in fields that defy simple metrics like widgets built or customer-service calls answered .

  12. 为了实现最佳的预测结果,企业常常找出其表现优异的应聘者表现出了什么性格特征,然后对这些特征进行测试。

    For the best predictive results , companies often find out what traits their high performers display , and then test for those characteristics .

  13. 诗人骆一禾恰恰完美地将倾听与歌唱融合到极致,他既是一位赤诚的倾听者,又是一位优异的歌唱者。

    Luo Yihe is just one poet who manages to merge listening and expressing together in a perfect way ; he is not only a sincere listener , but also a wonderful singer .

  14. 超支化聚氨酯不仅具有超支化聚合物结构的特点,还具有聚氨酯材料的优异性能,二者结合使得其在功能高分子材料方面具有很大的应用潜力。

    Hyperbranched polyurethane not only has the feature of hyperbranched structure polymer , but also shows the excellent performance of polyurethane , combining those two characteristics makes it has great potential applications in functional polymer materials .