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dà chén
  • minister;secretary;Secretary of State;minister of a monarchy
大臣 [dà chén]
  • [minister of a monarchy] 受国家元首或政府行政首脑委托管理一个部门的君主国家的高级官员

  • 赵王与大将军 廉颇诸大臣谋。--《史记.廉颇蔺相如列传》

大臣[dà chén]
  1. 那位大臣被指责庇护不可原谅的行为。

    The minister was accused of defending the indefensible .

  2. 令人难以置信的是那位大臣竟然没有意识到这个问题。

    It is inconceivable that the minister was not aware of the problem .

  3. 这是外交大臣典型的有信心的表现。

    It was a typically robust performance by the Foreign Secretary .

  4. 他辞去了内政大臣的职务,回到后座议员席。

    He resigned as Home Secretary and returned to the back benches .

  5. 财政大臣被迫狼狈地承认他的经济政策存在失误。

    The Chancellor was forced into a humiliating climbdown on his economic policies .

  6. 外交大臣现正和白宫的对等官员会谈。

    The Foreign Secretary is currently having talks with his opposite number in the White House .

  7. 除非这个计划能够奏效,否则财政大臣将举步维艰。

    The Chancellor could face a rough ride unless the plan works

  8. 内政大臣对这项研究反应不是很热烈。

    The study received a lukewarm response from the Home Secretary .

  9. 他被认为是现代最为成功的财政大臣。

    He was regarded as the most successful Chancellor of modern times

  10. 劳工大臣表示,改革将带来新的就业机会。

    The Employment Minister said the reforms would generate new jobs .

  11. 财政大臣可以利用政府年度预算演讲的机会提出税收改革事宜。

    The Chancellor could use the Budget to bring in taxation reforms .

  12. 发言人纷纷要求进一步明确方向并强烈地抨击了该财政大臣。

    Speakers called for clearer direction and savaged the Chancellor .

  13. 外交大臣就该条约发表的观点有大量记述并被屡屡提及。

    The Foreign Secretary 's views on the treaty are well-documented and oft-repeated

  14. 一位内阁大臣因被怀疑与黑手党有关联而受到调查。

    A cabinet minister came under investigation for links to the Mafia .

  15. 他讨厌这位大臣的程度几乎和讨厌大臣的助理一样。

    He liked the Secretary no better than his assistant .

  16. 两国的外交大臣今天签署了文件。

    The foreign ministers of the two countries signed the documents today .

  17. 官员们感觉自己的观点并未准确地传达到大臣们那里。

    Officers felt their point of view was not getting across to ministers

  18. 大臣们不应该故意地误导议会与公众。

    Ministers must not knowingly mislead Parliament and the public .

  19. 昨晚拜尔斯先生要求教育大臣立刻作出解释。

    Mr Byers last night demanded an immediate explanation from the Education Secretary

  20. 反对党认为卫生大臣逃避了所有决策难题。

    The Opposition reckons the Health Secretary has ducked all the difficult decisions

  21. 他以前是大臣官署的头儿。

    He is a former head of the chancellery .

  22. 内务大臣尴尬地作出让步,解除了将其驱逐出境的威胁。

    In an embarrassing climb-down , the Home Secretary lifted the deportation threat .

  23. 通常情况下,反对党议员质询大臣们时,只是在进行党派斗争。

    Usually when Opposition MPs question Ministers they are just playing party politics .

  24. 有相当多的人对财政大臣作出的经济会迅猛发展的预测表示怀疑。

    There was considerable scepticism about the Chancellor 's forecast of a booming economy

  25. 一位英国外交大臣坚决维护这个协议。

    A British Foreign Office minister has made a robust defence of the agreement

  26. 没有几个大臣具备理解这些后果所需要的理性或直觉。

    Few ministers have the nous or the instinct required to understand the ramifications

  27. 内政大臣力图打破贫困和犯罪之间的恶性循环。

    The Home Secretary aims to break the vicious circle between disadvantage and crime

  28. 他对一位英国大臣竟有如此丢人的举止感到厌恶。

    He was disgusted that a British minister could have behaved so disgracefully .

  29. 集会是应两位资深内阁大臣的要求组织的。

    The rally was organised at the instance of two senior cabinet ministers .

  30. 这席话让内阁大臣们非常难堪。

    The speech was deeply embarrassing to Cabinet ministers .