
  • 网络Riverdance;River Dance;Lord of the Dance
  1. 台下数千名观众正屏息观赏着《大河之舞》的演出。

    An audience of thousands breathlessly watches the Riverdance performance .

  2. 然而这出舞剧的寿命极短,1995年,弗拉特利在一片争议声中离开了《大河之舞》的舞团。

    The show was short lived , however , as Flatley left Riverdance amid controversy in 1995 .

  3. 我希望大河之舞团队能够一道,在世界各地继续获得更大的成功。

    I wish Moya Doherty , John McColgan and Bill Whelan many more years of well-earned success around the world .

  4. 《大河之舞》原本只是1994年欧洲歌唱大赛的串场舞蹈,但却成了他梦寐以求的契机。

    Riverdance , which originally aired during a break in the1994 Eurovision Song Contest , was the break he 'd been waiting for .

  5. 第三部分以《大河之舞》为例,对爱尔兰踢踏舞的文化传承进行研究。

    The third part takes Riverdance as an example , carries on the research to the cultural inheritance of the Irish tap dance .

  6. 爱尔兰踢踏舞的“噼里啪嗒”声伴随着传统爱尔兰音乐响彻全场,台下数千名观众屏息观赏着《大河之舞》的演出。

    As the clickety-clack of Irish step dancing and the sound of traditional Irish music fill the air , an audience of thousands breathlessly watches the Riverdance performance .