
  1. 传说,大禹治水的时候,在这里发现了盘古墓。

    Legend , Dayu flood control when , where ancient tombs found in disk .

  2. 大禹治水也曾到西域察山观水明辨流向。

    Dayu flood control have to review the Western Regions Mountain View Distinguish the flow of water .

  3. 大禹治水的传说既有史实素地的成分,又有后世文人不断迭加的神话因素、传说色彩。

    Dayu legend not only contains historical factors , but also has mythical factors and legend colors .

  4. 大禹治水的故事描述了古人们遇到自然在还是无所畏惧的精神。

    The story of Yu 's battle against the flood speaks of the fearless spirit of ancient people faced with natural disaster .

  5. 大禹治水的故事告诉我们,只有引导河水才会从根本上解决河水泛滥的问题。

    The story of King Yu Combating the flood implicates that we can solve the flood problem fundamentally only if we lead the river directions .

  6. 《山海经》中还有关于大禹治水、禹攻共工等神话传说。

    There are still many legends about the water-control of the Great Yu , battle between the Great Yu and Gong Gonq . and so on .

  7. 夏朝前夕洪水发生的可能性及大禹治水真相

    The possibility of occurring of the extraordinary floods on the eve of establishment of the Xia Dynasty and the historical truth of dayu 's successful regulating of floodwaters

  8. 伏羲、女娲和洪水神话是大禹治水的派生或翻版。

    Thus , the myths of Fu Xi and Nu Wa and that of the Flood can be regarded as an extensive reproduction of Da Yu 's Taming the Waters .

  9. 所以说,行政法不过是一部维护和分配公共利益的法律。最后,以大禹治水引申法治行政的基本框架。

    Therefore , the administrative law is merely a kind of law to maintain and allocate public interest . Finally , Dayu flood control extended the basic framework for the legal administration .