
  • 网络IRISH;irish whiskey;Jameson;Irish Whisky
  1. 放回去,说你喜欢爱尔兰威士忌。

    Take it back ! Say you like Irish whiskey .

  2. 詹姆斯·詹姆逊是詹姆逊爱尔兰威士忌帝国的继承人,也是一个探索者。

    James Jameson , who was heir to the Jameson Irish whiskey empire , was also an explorer .

  3. 和平时一样,喝爱尔兰威士忌“占美臣”吗?

    Your usual , Irish whisky " john jameson "?

  4. 我想你是闻到了爱尔兰威士忌。

    You smell lrish whiskey , I think .

  5. 他觉得她就像爱尔兰威士忌一样,浓香而醇美。

    He feels her and then resemble the whisky of Ireland , thick joss-stick but superb .

  6. 找个咖啡杯,先在底部填一勺红糖,因个人喜好在上面加一些苏格兰或者是爱尔兰威士忌,然后要用热咖啡把杯子填满。

    Add a shot of preferably a nice Scots or Irish whiskey . Then you must fill the mug with hot coffee .

  7. 谢尔顿:别听他的,他还满脑子爱尔兰威士忌和熏蛋,一团浆糊呢!

    Sheldon : Don 't listen to him . He 's still from all the Irish whiskey and eggs in his system .

  8. 她忽然咧嘴一笑,因为她听到一个带浓重爱尔兰土腔和威士忌酒味的声音在高唱《矮背马车上的佩格》,她明白了。

    And suddenly she grinned for , as a voice thick with brogue and whisky came to her , raised in " peg in a low-backed car ," she knew .

  9. 获奖的热情爱尔兰人是使用上好的哥伦布咖啡,黑棕糖和醇香的爱尔兰威士忌手工制成。

    The award winning Hot Irishman is hand crafted using the finest columbian coffee , dark brown sugar and mellow Irish Whiskey .