
  • 网络sociology of mass communication
  1. 但是这一观点受到了来自大众传播学、社会学、语言学特别是批评话语分析等领域学者的质疑和挑战。

    This point of view has been greatly challenged by scholars from the fields of mass communication , sociology , linguistics , especially by those critical discourse analysts whose research focus is to uncover the hidden ideologies and power relations in language .

  2. 关于拟态环境的影响,学者们的研究集中在拟态环境的应用方面,主要是在大众传播领域、社会学领域内的影响,而在教育学领域内的研究则相对薄弱。

    About the influence of the pseudo environment , the scholars ' research concentrated on application of the pseudo environment , and it is mainly the influence in the field of mass media and the sociology , but the research in the pedagogy is relatively weak .

  3. 媒介是谁:对大众媒介社会定位的探讨&兼论大众传播研究的社会学框架

    What is the Media : A Discussion on Media Position in Society

  4. 近些年来,大众传媒与乡村社会发展已受到了学界的广泛关注,有不少学者从大众传播和社会学的角度进行了研究。

    In recent years , the research of mass media and rural social development has been paid extensive attention in academic circles .