
  • 网络Design Standard;Design Criteria;design basis;design criterion
  1. 基于信号接口的IVI驱动器设计标准&IVI-SignalInterface及其应用

    IVI Driver Design Standard Based on Signal Interface & IVI - Signal Interface and Its Application

  2. 用Solidworks设计标准件、系列件

    Using solidworks to design standard parts or series parts

  3. APIRP2A19版与20版设计标准的适用性问题

    The Application of API RP 2A 19th and 20th Edition Design Criteria

  4. 大型MIS系统应用软件设计标准化

    Standardization technology in developing a large scale MIS application software

  5. 阐述了基于J2EE的应用系统中,改善数据库访问性能,提高执行效率的几种方法,为合理有效的开发软件系统提供设计标准和开发手段。

    This paper gives the methods of improving performance and executing efficiency based on J2EE application on the basis of development .

  6. 利用Authorware设计标准化测试程序的方法

    Method of Designing Standardized Test Program with Authorware

  7. 该系统以Windows简体中文版为操作系统,利用POWERBUILDER、VISUALBASIC6.0软件开发工具设计标准化数据库接口及应用程序界面。

    The system uses software of Power Builder , Visual Basic 6.0 to design the standard database I and O , and application program interface based on the Chinese operation system of Windows .

  8. LSP文件加载外部命令;LSP语料库的设计标准问题&兼谈英语专业高年级专业课学期论文动态语料库设计

    On the Criteria Required to Design LSP Corpora in the Context of Term Paper Writing for English Majors

  9. JTAG是一种重要的调试架构,已被电子电器工程师协会收录并作为集成电路设计标准,被命名为IEEEstd。

    JTAG is a important type of debug architectures , which has been registered as one of IC designing specifications named IEEE Std.

  10. POE革命性地改进了计划和设计标准,并检验了证明重复性设计方案属于合理的相关前提的有效性。

    POE identifies evolutionary improvements in programming and design criteria , and it also tests the validity of underlying premises that justify a repetitive design solution .

  11. 通过设计标准定义的服务,以及基于ESB的松耦合服务交互,逐步构建了一个灵活、通用、高可扩展的银行管理信息系统框架。

    Standard definition of services by designing and ESB-based loosely coupled service interactions , and gradually build a flexible , general-purpose , highly scalable framework for bank management information system .

  12. 结合实际卫星研制工作的要求,利用SOA架构、WEBService技术,设计标准化、可扩展的数据采集接口,规范化的测试数据的存储格式,建立航天器产品测试数据比对系统。

    Combined with the actual requirements of satellite development work , using SOA architecture , Web Service technology , design standards , scalable data acquisition interface , standardize test data storage format , establish a " Spacecraft Product Test Data Comparison System " .

  13. 本文提出一个设计标准斜齿园柱齿轮的BASIC语言通用程序,介绍了使用电子计算机时处理数据、表格、曲线的一些技巧,并介绍了各种参数、尺寸数据的处理方法。

    A general program in BASIC language for designing standard helical cylindrical gear was presented in this paper , meanwhile , using the computer to process the data , charts , graphics was introduced , and the method of processing various parameters and size measurements was also provided .

  14. 分析了目前常用的几种带式输送机设计标准,选定CEMA标准作为本文的计算依据。

    It analyzes often-used design standards of belt conveyor and chooses CEMA standard as its basis .

  15. 总的来说,虽然构建OO软件的习惯不止7个,但是遵循这里的7个习惯可以使代码符合基本OO设计标准。

    While there are more than seven habits to building OO software overall , the seven habits here are what you need to make your code fit basic OO design criteria .

  16. 第二章,分析了现有信任管理模型的优缺点,并结合分布式PDM系统的特点,提出了跨域信任模型的设计标准,给出了基于全局计算的PDM跨域信任模型。

    In the 2nd chapter , we analyze the advantages and disadvantages of current trust models , bring out the design standards of trust model in group-class PDM ( Product Data Management ) system and briefly introduce our trust model based on global computing .

  17. 对于正常大修周期的线路上,RM80型全断面道碴清筛机作业运行工况具有足够的挖掘能力,作业效率基本上能够达到其设计标准,这些在国外已经得到了充分的证明。

    On the railway line nuder normal major repair cycle , RM-80 full section undercutting ballast cleaning machine has enough excavation ability in working condition , productivity can come up with it 's design standard .

  18. 铁路桥墩横向刚度设计标准的研究

    Study of design standard for lateral stiffness of railway bridge piers

  19. 统一设计标准中风荷载的概率分布模型

    The wind loads probability distribution used in a unified design criterion

  20. 粮食仓库设计标准使用的智能化系统模式研究

    Study on the intelligent use of criteria of grain storehouse design

  21. 论水电工程施工洪水设计标准的合理选择

    Discussion on reasonable choice of hydropower projects construction design flood standard

  22. 防洪设计标准和大坝的防洪安全

    The design standard for flood prevention and safety of dam

  23. 国内外建筑隔震设计标准比较分析

    Comparative Analysis of Internal and External Earthquake-isolated Buildings Design Standards

  24. 试验结果表明,样机性能符合设计标准。

    Test results show that the prototype meets the design performance criteria .

  25. 深港两地桥梁设计标准的比较

    Comparison of Bridge Design Standards between Shenzhen and Hong Kong

  26. 中国钢制焊接常压储罐设计标准的对比

    Comparison between design spec-ifications of welded steel atmospheric pressure vessels in Chinese

  27. 关于提高小康住宅用电负荷设计标准的建议

    Recommendation for Increasing Design Criterion for Well-to-do Inhabitation Electric Load

  28. 对交管系统中微波通信子系统参考设计标准的讨论

    The Discussion for Referenced Design Standards of Microwave Communication Subsystem in VTS

  29. 梯级水利水电工程施工导流设计标准及流量确定的探讨

    Discussion on construction diversion design standard and discharge in cascade hydropower projects

  30. 贮料构筑物工程及其设计标准近年来的发展

    Development of Storage Structure and It 's Design Standard in Recent Years