
  • 网络Big Hole;Cavity
  1. 购买新设备给公司的财政造成了一个大洞。

    Buying the new equipment left a big hole in the company 's finances .

  2. 他又是如何解释他帽子上的那个大洞?

    How did he explain the big hole in his hat ?

  3. 天花板上有一个要命的大洞。

    There was a ruddy great hole in the ceiling .

  4. 船员正在封堵一个漏油的大洞。

    Crews are working to plug a major oil leak .

  5. 这些火山爆发时很猛烈,它们会冲破巨大的裂口并留下一个大洞,那就是火山口了。

    These are volcanoes so explosive that they burst open in a single big crack , leaving behind a vast hole , the caldera .

  6. 他们计划挖个大洞。

    They plan to excavate a large hole .

  7. 它逢友便说:“我有五种本领:会飞,会走,会游泳,会爬树,还会掘土大洞。”

    It would say to everyone it met : " I have five skills : flying , walking , swimming , climbing trees , and digging holes in the ground . "

  8. 要这么说,livinginthebigcitycanburnaholeinyourpocket.除了电视,还有房租、电费和食物,光是日常花销就能在“我的口袋里烧个大洞”。

    LL : Since money is traditionally carried in our pockets , the saying'burn a hole in your pocket'symbolizes such high expenses .

  9. 现场照片显示了这个大洞是用HiltiDD350重型钻孔机凿成。

    The image shows the hole made using a heavy duty drill , a Hilti DD350 .

  10. 本周早些时候,一位名叫达里娜·赫拉瓦季的美国大学生的iPhone6Plus在上课时突然起火,他的牛仔裤也被烧出了一个大洞。目前还没有证据证明这次iPhone7的爆炸是个别事件且不会再次发生。

    Earlier this week , an iPhone 6 Plus belonging to Darina Hlavaty , an American student , burned suddenly during a class , leaving a burnt hole in her jeans . For now , there is no evidence that these are isolated incidents and will not happen again .

  11. 如果你想寻找一幅代表亚洲经济增长的画面,西澳大利亚皮尔巴拉(pilbara)地区正在开挖的大洞不会是最糟的选择。

    If you are seeking an image for Asian growth , you could do worse than the giant holes being dug in the Pilbara region of Western Australia .

  12. 刚刚从新德里下了高速公路,坐落在地上的一个大洞是这个国家最大的开发者DLF,原本打算建立全国最大的购物商场,适当地命名为印度商业街。

    Just off the highway from New Delhi , a giant hole in the ground sits where the country 's largest developer , DLF , had planned to build the nation 's biggest mall , aptly named the Mall of India .

  13. 足够在天上炸个大洞出来了。

    Enough powder here to blow a hole in the sky .

  14. 一块陨石在飞船上砸出了个大洞。

    A meteorite had knocked a large hole in the ship .

  15. 开大洞转换结构的局部破坏分析

    Local Failure Analysis of Transfer Girder with Large Web Openings

  16. 蔓延到湖掉进了一个大洞。

    Spread to a lake and drop into a hole .

  17. 我的衬衣破了个大洞。

    My shirt has a great big rip in it .

  18. 那个大洞把我们和那五个海盗隔开。

    the hole was between us and the other five .

  19. 雨水从房顶上的一个大洞里倾泻下来。

    Water was splashing down from a large hole in the roof .

  20. 你可以用这种光束穿过敌舰,在舰体上打出一个笔直的大洞来!

    The beam can and do punch STRAIGHT THROUGH the enemy ship !

  21. 亚洲增长越迅速,澳大利亚矿场的大洞就会越深。

    The faster Asia grows , the deeper these Australian holes will get .

  22. 他把墙撞出了一个大洞。

    He knocked a big hole in the wall .

  23. 那上面本来就有大洞了,现在那些洞还在增大。

    There are big holes in the AOL and they 're getting bigger .

  24. 墙上有个大洞。

    There 's a big hole in the wall .

  25. 他们计划打地基前先挖个大洞。

    They plan to excavate a large hole before putting in the foundations .

  26. 哈里的袜子后跟部位有个大洞。

    There was a huge hole in the end of Harry 's stocking .

  27. 那我们尽量弄个大洞,好吗?

    Let 's just make as big a dent as possible . ok ?

  28. 蓝洞是一个直径为305米,123米深的圆型大洞。

    It is a circular hole with a diameter of305 metres and123 metres deep .

  29. 那五王逃跑,藏在玛基大洞里。

    Now the five kings had fled and hidden in the cave at Makkedah .

  30. 你的袜子上净是大洞

    You got big holes in your socks .