
  1. 摩根大通和华尔街其他银行认为,只要不以自有资金对那些基金进行投资,他们将被允许保留那些风险较高的业务活动。

    JPMorgan and other Wall Street banks believe they will be allowed to keep those higher-risk activities , provided they do not invest their own money in the funds .

  2. 在该项目框架下,世界银行将为2亿美元的信贷风险提供担保。摩根大通作为华尔街最大的大宗商品交易商之一,也将担保与此相似的金额。

    The World Bank will underwrite $ 200m in credit risk under the initiative while JPM , one of the largest dealers in commodities in Wall Street , will take on a similar amount .

  3. 自从美国政府牵红线让贝尔斯登下嫁摩根大通之后,华尔街对金融股的态度变得摇摆不定。

    Wall Street remains skittish about financial stocks since a run on Bear Stearns caused the U.

  4. 事实上,尽管摩根大通拥有如此庞大的规模、复杂性和风险,但投资者们允许戴蒙和摩根大通以华尔街最低的资本缓冲(即可抵御损失的权益资本)一路“前行”。

    In fact , despite its huge size and complexity and risk , investors have allowed Dimon and JPMorgan to skate by on one of the smallest capital cushions , which is how much equity you have to protect against losses , on Wall Street .