
duō bō duàn
  • multiband
多波段[duō bō duàn]
  1. 湿地的分类研究是合成孔径雷达(SAR)的重要应用方向之一,要想对湿地地物的散射特性作深入的分析与研究,需要利用SAR的多波段、多极化信息。

    The classification of wetland research is one of the important applications of synthetic aperture radar ( SAR ), we need to use the information of multiband and multipolarization to make deep analysis and research .

  2. 目前人们已经观测到了余辉从射电到GeV伽玛射线能段的多波段辐射。

    At present the multiband emission spanning from radio to GeV gamma-rays of GRB afterglows has been widely observed .

  3. 多波段多极化SAR遥感数据的二维周期介质模型

    Two-dimensionally Periodic Medium Model for Multi-band Multi-polarized SAR Remote Sensing Data

  4. 基于最优状态的多波段全极化SAR数据ML分类方法

    Optimal state based ml classification method for multi-band and full-polarization SAR data

  5. 基于决策级融合的多波段SAR目标检测方法

    A Multi-band SAR Target Detection Method Based on Decision Fusion

  6. 多波段SAR目标检测与图像分类融合

    Decision Fusion of Multi-band SAR Target Detection and Classification Results

  7. 基于小波的多波段SAR海洋图像融合算法

    Multi-band SAR ocean image fusion algorithm based on wavelet decomposition

  8. 优化视觉特性型多波段SAR图像像素级融合方法

    Pixel level fusion approach based on optimizing visual perception for multi-band SAR image

  9. 基于多波段SAR图像目标检测决策级融合和图像分类的目标状态标注

    Multi-band SAR Image Target Condition Labeling Based on Target Detection and image classification

  10. 多波段偏振CCD相机的辐射定标研究

    Radiometric Calibration of Multi - band Polarization CCD Camera

  11. 一种机载多波段SAR接收/激励器

    A Receiver and Exciter for Multi-Band Airborne SAR

  12. 一种多波段SAR图像伪彩色融合算法

    False Color Fusion Algorithm for Multi-band SAR Images

  13. 边缘特征对于多波段SAR图像之间的配准有重要意义。

    Edge feature extraction in SAR images is beneficial for the registration of SAR images .

  14. 提出了一种基于改进后的BP人工神经网络的地物影像的多波段光谱识别新方法。

    A new method for multi-wave band spectrum recognition of landmark images is suggested using improved BP network .

  15. 本文的第二章介绍了遥感数字图像的一些基本情况,并根据多波段遥感数字图像的数据格式,把中国遥感卫星地面站接收的美国陆地卫星的TM数据用图像表现出来。

    Chapter Two introduces some basic conditions of remote sensing digital images .

  16. TM多波段影像资料应用于地热资源调查研究的一例

    An Example of the Application of TM Image Data to Geothermal Resource Survey

  17. Swift时代伽玛射线暴及其余辉的多波段研究

    Gamma-Ray Bursts and Afterglows : A Multi-Wavelength Study in the Swift Era

  18. 对多波段SAR图像进行融合,能够综合不同波段的信息,获得比单幅图像更完全、更准确、更精确的估计和判决。

    Fusing the information of different images can get more complete and reliable information than only using one single image .

  19. 多波段激光防护PMMA材料的制备

    Preparation of Multi-wavelength Laser Protective PMMA Material

  20. 利用SIR-C/X-SAR南海海域多波段数据,分析了海洋内波SAR图像特征与雷达波段的关系。

    The relationship between the frequency and SAR image of internal wave is discussed based on the SIR-C / X-SAR multi-frequency data .

  21. LANDSAT&1的多波段扫描MSS假彩色合成影象,反映出远离市区的景区;

    The LANDSAT-1 MSS multispectral scanning pseudocolor synthetic image shows distant scenery around Guilin city .

  22. 红外多波段点目标检测RX算法性能分析

    Performance Analysis of Point Target Detection RX Algorithm in IR Multiple-band Image

  23. 本文以PMMA为基质制备了多波段激光防护塑料样品,对其性能进行了测试。

    The paper introduces how to prepare the sample of multi-wave band laser protection plastics based on PMMA and test its property .

  24. 利用多波段偏振CCD相机在光学与红外波段测试伪装涂层的偏振散射特征,并提取其中的偏振信息,研究了测试条件对涂层材料散射偏振度的影响。

    The multispectral polarization CCD camera was used to gain the polarimetric characteristics of camouflage coatings in visible and infrared wave band , and the polarimetric information was got .

  25. 多波段光催化协合材料具有光催化作用能产生·OH自山基,·OH自由基与氮氧化物、甲醛等污染性气体反应,从而达到净化空气的目的。

    Since the material can produce OH free radicals ( OH free radicals are oxidant to react with pollutant such as nitrogen oxides , formaldehyde , and bacteria ), it can purify air .

  26. 本文对BN天体的红外连续辐射多波段测光资料进行理论分析研究。

    Theoretical analysis and research for high-resolution photometric data of infrared continuum emission in BN object are made in this paper .

  27. 设计、实验了一个用于评价各专题要素在多波段遥感图像分类中作用的遥感图像数据立方体,并基于该立方体对各专题要素在分类中的作用进行了OLAP分析。

    A RS image data cube is constructed to evaluate effects of each factor on the image classification by OLAP on this cube .

  28. Marr方法在多波段遥感影像边缘信息分析中的应用多波段水下光谱辐射计

    The Marr Approach in Edge Information Analysis for Multispectral Remote Sensed Imagery

  29. AGN的多波段性质与演化研究

    Research on Characteristic of Multi-band Spectral Energy Distribution and Evolution of AGN

  30. 特种泡沫云(SFS)是一种新型多波段无源干扰技术。

    Special foam screen ( SFS ) is a novel multi-band passive interference technique .