
  • 网络many-worlds interpretation;Many World Interpretation
  1. 并不是说多世界诠释就没有受到批评&事实恰恰相反。

    Not that many worlds is without its critics-far from it .

  2. 更难回答的问题还有被多世界诠释支持者称为“怀疑眼神的反对”。

    Even more difficult to answer is what proponents of many worlds call the " incredulous stare objection " .

  3. 多世界诠释一个明显的推论是说宇宙中有很多你的复制品&比如,猫王现在仍然在另一个宇宙中的拉斯维加斯进行表演。

    The obvious implication of many worlds is that there are multiple copies of you , for instance-and that Elvis is still performing in Vegas in another universe .

  4. 但同时,他也不相信多世界诠释可以提供一个很好的框架来解释为什么一些量子结果要比其他的更有可能出现。

    At the same time , though , he is not convinced that many worlds provides a good framework for explaining why some quantum outcomes are more probable than others .