
  • University of Toronto;Toronto University;UNIV TORONTO
  1. 本人现在多伦多大学就读生命科学系。

    Currently studying in the University of Toronto , Life sciences major .

  2. 大学之比较&兼析多伦多大学选择同型大学的案例

    Institutional Comparisons : University of Toronto Peer Selection Process

  3. 温迪•多布森是多伦多大学(UniversityofToronto)商业经济学教授。

    Wendy Dobson is professor of business economics at the University of Toronto .

  4. 本文作者在多伦多大学(UniversityofToronto)教授人权学科,并著有《虚拟战争》(VirtualWar)一书。

    The writer teaches human rights at the University of Toronto and is author of " Virtual War "

  5. 多伦多大学(UniversityofToronto)的心理学家基思·斯塔诺维奇(KeithStanovich)称,非常聪明的人常常也会做出不理智的决定。

    Very smart people often make irrational decisions , says University of Toronto psychologist Keith Stanovich .

  6. 为了每个月1000美元的收入,梅耶一边在多伦多大学(UniversityofToronto)做研究,一边上课,来证明她在南非取得的资质。

    For $ 1,000 a month , maye did research at University of Toronto while taking courses to verify her South African credentials .

  7. 于是她转向加拿大,获得了多伦多大学(UniversityofToronto)罗特曼管理学院(RotmanSchoolofManagement)MBA课程的名额。

    She turned instead to Canada , gaining a place on the MBA programme at the University of Toronto 's Rotman School of Management .

  8. 我认为他们完全着了迷,多伦多大学(UniversityofToronto)外科手术教授沃尔特·彼得斯(WalterPeters)说。

    I think they have gone totally overboard , said Dr. Walter Peters , a professor of surgery at the University of Toronto .

  9. 在上榜的加拿大商学院中,多伦多大学(UniversityofToronto)罗特曼管理学院(RotmanSchoolofManagement)和西安大略大学(WesternUniversity)艾维商学院(IveyBusinessSchool)在截至2017年的全部19次排名中一直榜上有名。

    Among the latter , both Toronto 's Rotman School of Management and Ivey School of Business at Western University have been ranked continuously in all 19 editions up to 2017 .

  10. 她与多伦多大学罗特曼管理学院(RotmanSchoolofManagementattheUniversityofToronto)的营销学教授迪利普·索曼(DilipSoman)一起进行了这项研究。

    She performed the research along with Dilip Soman , a marketing professor at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto .

  11. 多伦多大学(UniversityofToronto)“公民实验室”(CitizenLab)的研究显示,包括上述内容在内,一些看起来颇为琐碎的微信帖子已经受到审查。微信是一款广受欢迎的聊天应用。

    These were among the seemingly trivial posts on WeChat , a popular messaging app , that have been censored , according to a study by the University of Toronto 's Citizen Lab.

  12. 多伦多大学(UniversityofToronto)罗特曼商学院(RotmanSchoolofManagement)排名最高,为第65位,而加拿大女王大学(Queen’sUniversity)史密斯商学院(SmithSchoolofBusiness)在今年的榜单中垫底,排名第100。

    Among these , Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto is the highest ranked at 65 , while Smith School of Business at Queen 's University is bottom of the table in 100th place .

  13. 来自多伦多大学的加拿大人威廉,从没学过中文,但却经常接触中式英语。我的中国同学经常对我说‘Goodgoodstudy,daydayup’(好好学习天天向上)。

    Although William , a Canadian student of University of Toronto , hasn 't learned Chinese , he is often exposed to Chinglish My Chinese classmates often tell me to ' Good good study , day day up ' ( study hard and make progress every day ) .

  14. 包括多伦多大学(UniversityofToronto)教授、儿童问题研究所(InstituteofChildStudy)负责人李强(KangLee)所作的研究在内,众多研究表明,说谎标志着正常的成熟。

    What has become clear from studies including the work of Kang Lee , a professor at the University of Toronto and director of the Institute of Child Study , is that lying is a sign of normal maturation .

  15. 《老友记》中的人物喜欢(用very、really和so)加强语气,多伦多大学(UniversityofToronto)的语言学家们甚至对这个习惯进行了研究。

    On " Friends , " characters emphasized their adjectives ( with " very " and " really " and " so " ) to such an extent that the habit prompted a study by linguists at the University of Toronto .

  16. 多伦多大学(universityoftoronto)的专家称,他们恢复的数据包括:印度一些邦的秘密安全形势评估、一名高级军官的个人信息,以及在阿富汗提交的印度签证申请上的信息。

    Experts at the University of Toronto said they had recovered secret assessments of the security situation in some Indian states , personal information on a high-ranking military official and information on visa applications to the country out of Afghanistan .

  17. 尼古拉斯o鲁尔(NicholasRule)是多伦多大学心理学系社会感知与认知实验室的首席研究员,虽然他并未参与这项研究,但他对这项研究结果很感兴趣。

    Nicholas Rule , principal investigator of the Social Perception and Cognition Lab in the psychology department at the University of Toronto , and who was not part of the study , was intrigued by the findings .

  18. 同为这项新研究作者的多伦多大学(UniversityofToronto)古生物学家本斯·维奥拉(BenceViola)表示,刚听到这些基因数据的消息时,他本人满腹狐疑。

    Bence Viola , a paleontologist at the University of Toronto and a co-author of the new study , said he was skeptical when he first learned of the genetic data .

  19. 加拿大多伦多大学Rubin等人提出的甲醇-己烷双液相溶剂(TPS)浸取技术可在获取高质量菜油的同时得到无毒饼粕。

    Two-liquid phase solvent ( TPS ) extraction technique , invented by Rubin et al ( University of Toronto ), could obtain high-level rapeseed oil and toxin-free meal simultaneously .

  20. 他和加拿大多伦多大学的安德拉斯。纳吉技术在老鼠和人类的皮肤细胞上使用了这项技术,并发现重编程的iPS细胞表现出和胚胎干细胞一样的特性。

    He and Andras Nagy from the University of Toronto used the technique in both mouse and human skin cells and found the reprogrammed cells behaved just like embryonic stem cells .

  21. 缺点是“结果每个城市都一样,”多伦多大学(UniversityofToronto)土木工程教授、超级城市研究的主要作者克里斯托弗·肯尼迪(ChristopherKennedy)说道。

    The drawback then is that " every city ends up being the same , " said Christopher Kennedy , a professor of civil engineering at the University of Toronto and the lead author on the megacities study .

  22. 多伦多大学(UniversityofToronto)儿科学副教授、该研究第一作家乔纳森·L·马奎尔博士(Dr.JonathonL.Maguire)指出,两岁以上的儿童不应再使用奶瓶。

    The lead author , Dr. Jonathon L. Maguire , an assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Toronto , said that children over 2 should not be given a bottle .

  23. 在此工作中,作者创新地将多伦多大学开发的用于隔离岛型FPGA结构的开源布局布线工具VPR改进成了可以支持基于行布线结构的反熔丝型可编程逻辑核。

    In this project , the author innovatively modified the open-source isolated island structure FPGA place and route tool VPR developed by University of Toronto into an anti-fuse programmable logic core which support row-based routing .

  24. Gustavo拥有多伦多大学计算机科学硕士学位,研究方向是数据库查询语言。

    Gustavo holds a Master 's degree in Computer Science from the University of Toronto in the area of database query languages .

  25. 2006年,当时就职于多伦多大学的杰夫·辛顿(GeoffHinton)对这一方法进行了一次关键改进,并将其称之为深度学习。

    In 2006 , Geoff Hinton , then at the University of Toronto , made a key tweak to this method , which he dubbed deep learning .

  26. 卡洛。格林伍德博士说,高血压、糖尿病、过于肥胖以及高胆固醇都会给你的大脑带来负担。卡洛。格林伍德(CarolGreenwood)博士是一名加拿大多伦多大学老年人研究科学家。

    High blood pressure , diabetes , obesity and high cholesterol all make life tough on your brain , says Carol Greenwood , PhD , a geriatric research scientist at the University of Toronto .

  27. 多伦多大学博士、该项研究的领头人邦尼·勒(BonnieLe)称,结果表明“做个有帮助的人会让人感觉良好,有助于增进关系,且带来更大的满足感和自我价值感。”

    The results : ' Being a helpful person feels good and contributes to better relationships and greater satisfaction and self-worth , ' says Bonnie Le , a Ph.D candidate at the University of Toronto and lead researcher on the study .

  28. 加拿大多伦多大学的McLaughlin-Rotman全球卫生中心的SarahFrew及其同事对22家中国卫生创新生物技术公司的管理层进行了采访。

    Sarah Frew and colleagues from the McLaughlin-Rotman Centre for Global Health at the University of Toronto , Canada , interviewed the management of22 innovative Chinese health biotechnology firms .

  29. 多伦多大学政治学副教授罗纳德德贝特(ronalddeibert)表示,有10个国家已成为“普遍屏蔽国”,它们经常阻止其公民浏览一系列网上内容。

    Ronald Deibert , associate professor of political science at the University of Toronto , said 10 countries had become " pervasive blockers " , regularly preventing their citizens seeing a range of online material .

  30. 如果他们陷入麻烦,即使有这些法规,省里也会介入监管帮助他们,EnidSlack在今年早些时候底特律宣布破产的时候说,他是多伦多大学市财政与管理学院的主任。

    If they get into trouble even with those rules then the province would step in with a supervisor to help them , said Enid Slack , director of the Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance at the University of Toronto , earlier this year when Detroit first declared bankruptcy .