- Doha

EU 's Reform on CAP and WTO 's Doha Round
WTO Doha Round reformed the policy of Blue Box .
Several cities and countries had expressed an interest in hosting the Games , including Indonesia , China , Doha in Qatar , Budapest in Hungary and Germany 's Ruhr region .
After the Doha Conference , a new round of WTO 's multilateral trade negotiation has been launched .
We are now working together as partners in the WTO , taking forward the Doha Development Agenda .
Analysis on Effect of Special Safeguard Mechanism ( SSM ) of Agricultural Products on WTO / Doha Round Negotiations
WTO Council reluctantly passed the Decisions to the implementation on Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on Aug. 30 , 2003 .
The relation between trade and environment has made a vital subject under discussion in the new round of Doha negotiation of WTO .
As the collecting bond between NGOs and the WTO , the Secretariat allows qualified NGOs attend each Ministerial Meeting from Doha Round .
Existing World Trade Organisation export rules are weak and proposals to strengthen them failed to make it into the moribund Doha trade talks .
Negotiating new and important rules would help revitalise the WTO , which has languished because of the unfinished Doha Round of trade talks .
Moreover , despite the disappointment of the Doha round , the World Trade Organisation continues to exist .
If Doha is not dead , its pulse is barely detectable .
The author introduces the domestic support about agriculture negotiations in the Doha Round , then make some suggestion for Doha round negotiations on Agriculture .
It is known to all that the WTO Doha negotiation is progressing very slowly with negotiations on many substantive issues unfinished before the deadlines .
Some countries took notice of this phenomenon and put forward the proposal of the establishment of specialized fishery subsidies in the Doha Round of WTO .
The multilateral trading system is also at a crucial juncture . The WTO Conference to be held in Doha in November has attracted worldwide attention .
But Dan price , deputy US National Security Advisor for economic affairs , said Mr Bush remained hopeful of successful completion to the Doha round .
China is the primary trading partner for many countries and is crucial to any WTO effort to navigate past the stalled Doha round .
In this context , the reduction or elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers to environmental goods and services was formally presented as a topic during WTO Doha Round .
Corresponding to the indefinitely termination of Doha Round of WTO negotiations in July 2006 and arrested development of WTO , the regional and bilateral economic cooperation has developed rapidly .
It must be admitted that the Doha round is on hold and Mr Obama could not move it forward even if he so desired .
Beijing pointed out that it had already had to undertake rapid liberalisation as the price of joining the WTO in 2001 , at the same meeting that launched the Doha round .
Especially the break down of Cancun meeting in September 2003 made the negotiation reaching to a deadlock . The prestige of WTO and the prospect of multilateral trade system were challenged .
TPP countries have agreed to reflect in the text a shared commitment to the Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health .
Similarly , in the WTO , the launch of a new round of negotiations at the Doha summit is a clear example of the benefits of co-operation between governments and openness to trade .
We direct APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade to use the2012 meeting in Kazan to assess ways to promote progress on the DDA in the WTO .
Her comments come as global leaders try to agree a course of action to combat climate change and to break a deadlock over the Doha round of trade talks at the World Trade Organisation .
China has formally entered WTO in Doha on 19 , November , 2001 after 15 years efforts . China has become a full member of World Trade Organization on 10 Nov. 2001 in Doha .
Critics of the Doha round of trade negotiations have argued that no agreement at all would be better than a damaging compromise without the participation of major economies .