
  1. 加入WTO之后,我国政府履行承诺,决定从2007年7月1日起,取消外商投资旅行社在国内设立分支机构的限制,并对外资旅行社的注册资本实行国民待遇。

    Having been accessed to the WTO , Chinese government keeps its promises and decided that from July 1st , 2007 , all travel agencies which are invested by foreign investor will be abolished the restriction of setting up branch sections in China .

  2. 国家旅游局局长,2010年曾表示,对于外商投资旅行社,经营中国公民出境旅游业务,拟在中国部分地区先行试点。

    State Tourism Bureau , said in2010 , for foreign-invested travel agencies operating outbound Chinese tourism , to be the first pilot in parts of China .

  3. 关于外商投资电影院、旅行社等的最新规定

    New Regulations on Foreign Funded Cinemas and Travel Agencies