
  • 网络Travel agency services
  1. 基本创新点在于明确了旅行社服务的经验品特性,并进一步指出了经验品特性是导致旅行社质量问题的根源。

    The basic point of innovation is making clear the feature of experience good of travel agency services , and further pointed out that this feature is the root which leading to the problem of travel agency service quality .

  2. 三者存在显著相关关系。3.从旅行社形象、旅行社服务、导游服务和其他四个方面对游客进行了满意度的调查。

    There is significant correlation between three . 3 . Images from the travel agency , travel agency services , guided tours and other visitors to the four aspects of satisfaction surveys .

  3. 论旅行社服务质量的检测和TQC

    On the Test of Travel Agency 's Service Quality and TQC

  4. 随后在访谈和问卷调研的基础上构建了旅行社服务质量要素评价体系;

    The evaluation system for service quality of travel agency is proposed .

  5. 基于游客感知的旅行社服务质量评价研究

    Study on Evaluation of Service Quality of Travel Agencies Perceived by Tourists

  6. 旅行社服务质量的模糊综合评判

    Fussy comprehensive assessment of the quality of travel agency service

  7. 因此旅行社服务质量的研究也就显得十分必要。

    So the research on service quality of travel agencies appears more necessary .

  8. 参团游客对旅行社服务质量的期望与感知实绩研究

    On the Tourists ' Expectation and Perception of Service Quality Offered by Travel Agencies

  9. 旅行社服务营销问题研究

    A Study on Service Marketing of Travel Services

  10. 再造旅行社服务体系

    Rebuilding the System of Tourist Agency

  11. 旅行社服务公平感的结构维度及其对关系质量的影响

    On the Structural Dimensions of Service Fairness in the Travel Service and Its Impact on Relationship Quality

  12. 营业保证金和各级旅游质检则构成了旅行社服务质量体系。

    Operating margin and quality of tourism at all levels constitutes a Travel Agency Service Quality System .

  13. 在评估机制中,从游客角度出发构建基于集对分析的旅行社服务补救质量评价模型。最后,对服务补救质量进行实证研究。

    It constructs service recovery quality evaluation model using SPA in the tourist-oriented evaluation . Finally , an empirical study was introduced .

  14. 旅行社服务质量的好坏直接关系到旅游者的旅游质量,也影响到我国整个旅游业的形象。

    The service quality of travel agency affects directly not only tourist 's experience but also the whole image of our tourism industry .

  15. 旅行社服务形象结构分析及在渝旅行社服务形象现状调查

    Analysis on the Structure of Travel Agencies ' Service Image and Investigation on the Status Quo of the Travel Agencies ' Service Image in Chongqing

  16. 这里有一个可能出现的情形:一个旅行社服务从最终用户处获取一个请求,然后为这个最终用户联系航班服务。

    Here 's a potential scenario : a travel agent service gets an end-user request , then it contacts an airline service for that end-user .

  17. 国家旅游局制定了《旅行社服务质量赔偿标准(征求意见稿)》,现公开征求意见。

    The National Tourism Administration formulated the Standards for Service Quality Compensation of Travel Agencies ( Draft for Comments ) to seek for public feedbacks .

  18. 在介绍旅游服务采购内容的基础上,对我国旅行社服务采购现状进行分析,提出了发展我国旅行社旅游服务采购的策略。

    Based on the analysis of the status of China'travel agencies'stock service , this paper provides some suggestions on the management strategies in this aspect .

  19. 关于参团游客对旅行社服务质量的预期和感知实绩的研究是改进旅行社服务质量,提高游客满意度的理论依据。

    Tourists ' expectation and perception of service quality provided by travel agencies is theoretical basis to improve service quality and raise tourists ' satisfaction degree .

  20. 自编的“旅行社服务形象调查问卷”具有可以接受的信度和效度,可以作为调查旅行社服务形象状况的工具。

    With the help of the investigation 's result and the structural factors of the service image , this paper puts forward some advices to improve the travel agencies'service image in Chongqing .

  21. 近年来,我国经济高速增长带动了旅游市场不断扩大,旅游人数和收入快速增长,但同时旅行社服务失败的情况也大幅增加。

    In recent years , the high-speed growing of economy in our country has led the tourism market to expand constantly , the number of tourist and the traveling income increases year by year .

  22. 随着中国旅游业的发展,作为旅游业龙头地位的旅行社服务竞争也日益激烈,而今天服务质量的竞争已成为旅行社生存发展的关键。

    With the development of the tourism industry , travel agency , as the tourism industry leader whose service competition is becoming more and more fierce . And today the competition among the service quality has been the key to the survival and development of travel agencies .

  23. 游客对旅行社服务的整体满意度评价一般,平均得分为3.3385分,其中游客对旅行社服务评价最高的要素为服务态度与能力,得3.661分,评价最低的要素为个性化关怀,仅得3.176分。

    The tourists ' evaluation of travel agencies ' service quality is in the middle level , getting the average score of 3.3385 . And the factor of " service consciousness and skill " gets the highest score of 3.661 while " individual care " gets the lowest of 3.176 .

  24. 我国旅行社旅游服务质量的问题及解决对策

    The Study of the Service Quality on Domestic Travel Agency

  25. 标准化质量管理在旅行社内部服务中的应用研究

    Study on Standardization of Quality Management in Travel Agency 's Internal Service

  26. 做好旅行社公平服务,提高顾客满意感

    Justice Service of Travel Agency Can Enhance the Customers ' Satisfactory Degree

  27. 答:A、严格按照旅行社规定服务;

    Model : A : Abide by the rules of the travel agency rigorously .

  28. 旅行社是服务行业,旅游网也是服务行业。

    Travel is a service industry , tourism is also a network of service industries .

  29. 协会坚持以服务为工作宗旨,积极为会员单位服务,为旅行社行业服务,为各级政府服务。

    The association holds on to the principle of serving its members , the tourism industry , and government of different levels .

  30. 作为连接旅游生产和旅游消费之间的重要纽带和桥梁,旅行社的服务质量水平不仅是企业的生命所在,也关系到旅游业的整体发展。

    As an important link between tourism production and consumption , the service quality of travel agents is the life of tourism industry .