
  • 网络off Broadway;off-Broadway;off-off-broadway
  1. 鲍伊亦参与创作了一部外百老汇音乐剧《拉撒路》(Lazarus),这是他1976年主演的影片《出卖地球的男人》(TheManWhoFelltoEarth)的续集,颇具超现实色彩。

    He had also collaborated on an Off Broadway musical , " Lazarus , " that was a surreal sequel to his definitive 1976 film role , " The Man Who Fell to Earth . "

  2. 亚裔美国演员行动联合会(AsianAmericanPerformersActionCoalition,它是一个倡议组织)最新的一次研究表明,在2006-2007和2012-13演出季,亚裔美国人在百老汇和主要的外百老汇剧院出演角色的比例约为3%。

    Between the 2006-07 and 2012-13 theater seasons , Asian-Americans filled about 3 percent of the roles on Broadway and at major Off Broadway theaters , according to a new study by Asian American Performers Action Coalition , an advocacy group .

  3. 这正是约翰•安吉丽斯每天在外百老汇节目STOMP里所面对的挑战,不过它只是一个简化了的版本。

    This is a simplified version of John Angeles ' everyday challenge as part of the off-Broadway show stomp .

  4. 对2014-15演出季来说,至少有三部亚裔美国人写的新剧本将在外百老汇上演,包括女剧作家李永珍(YoungJeanLee,音译)的《正直的白人》(StraightWhiteMen),她在该剧中表达了自己对白人的看法。

    For the 2014-15 season , at least three new plays written by Asian-Americans will open Off Broadway - including one , " Straight White Men , " in which the female playwright , Young Jean Lee , is offering her take on white characters .

  5. 该剧2006年先后在外百老汇和百老汇上演时,这个角色改由白人演员乔纳森·格罗夫(JonathanGroff)饰演。

    By the time the show reached Off Broadway and then Broadway in 2006 , the role had gone to Jonathan Groff , who is white .

  6. 导演特里普·卡尔曼(TripCullman)大部分时间在外百老汇工作,他选了几位亚裔美国演员——包括金素珍(SueJeanKim,音译)和莫林·塞巴斯蒂安(MaureenSebastian)——饰演一些没有明确说明是亚洲人的角色。

    Trip Cullman , a director who mostly works Off Broadway , has cast several Asian-American actors , including Sue Jean Kim and Maureen Sebastian , in roles that were not explicitly Asian .

  7. 韩国首尔——一群年轻女性提前90分钟就来到了剧院,准备观看晚间演出——《谋杀谣》(MurderBallad)。这部摇滚音乐剧于今年7月结束了在外百老汇的演出,由韩国班底制作的版本四个月后在首尔上演。

    SEOUL , South Korea - The packs of young women arrived 90 minutes early for the evening 's show : " Murder Ballad , " a rock musical that flopped off Broadway in July and then opened here four months later in an all-Korean production .

  8. 包含四个角色的《谋杀谣》在外百老汇的演出档期不长,但在遥远的国度获得了大批粉丝。

    And even with its short Off Broadway run , the four-character Murder Ballad found fans far away .

  9. 外百老汇戏剧戏剧作品,常为实验性的且不昂贵,常在纽约城百老汇娱乐区外上演。

    Theatrical work , often experimental and inexpensive , presented outside the Broadway entertainment district of New York city .

  10. 他近期的外百老汇作品包括获得过2009年外围评论圈奖最佳外百老汇音乐剧《毒魔复仇》。

    His recent Off-Broadway production of The Toxic Avenger Musical won the2009 Outer Critics Circle Award for best Off-Broadway Musical .

  11. 一部以美国种族之爱为主题的摇滚音乐剧(?)从外百老汇戏院搬到了百老汇舞台。

    " Hair ," the play known as " The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical ," moved from an off-Broadway theater to Broadway .

  12. 他另外还写过许多外百老汇的音乐剧、一部组歌、一部大提琴协奏曲及其他作品。

    He has also written a number of other off-Broadway musicals , a song cycle , a Cello Concerto , and other pieces .

  13. 外百老汇戏剧的:与戏剧活动有关的,此类活动主要为实验性的、较便宜,在纽约城娱乐区外进行。

    Of , relating to , or being theatrical activity that is chiefly experimental and inexpensive , carried on outside the New York City entertainment district .

  14. 小剧场(西方称为实验性质剧场或者外百老汇剧场)起源于19世纪的欧洲,举办场所为面积狭小的空间,比如地下车库。

    Originating in Europe in the 19th century , small theater ( called Fringe theater or Off-Off Broadway theater in the West ) is performed in a tiny space , like an underground garage .

  15. 山姆·谢泼德是美国六十年代外外百老汇小剧场运动中脱颖而出的杰出剧作家。

    With the flourish of the Off-Off Broadway movement , the 1960 's American theater saw the emergence of a particularly promising playwright , Sam Shepard .