- Disciplinary action;dispositive act

Study on Disposing Act and Legislative Style about Real Rights Alteration
Act of Liability and Act of Disposition in Civil Law
Unauthorized disposition of the spouses is entitled to one of powerless disposition .
An analysis on the litigation of university ′ s disciple line punishment to students
Coordination and Equilibrium Between Validity of Unauthorized Disposition and Application of Bona Fide Acquisition
The elaboration of this act is merely limited to textbook-style introduction , devoid of systematic study .
It is the precondition of ascertaining connotative meaning of unauthorized disposal behavior to understand disposal behavior correctly .
The constitutive elements should be : ( 1 ) the doer disposes the property in his own name ;
Disposal of land by individual farmers and farmers ' collective organization should be put within the legal framework .
It can be claimed that the disposition of co-owners by shares is the most important manifestation in ownership function .
It has deepened theoretical understanding of the disposition of co-owners by shares , and improved the practice for the disposition of co-owners .
Unqualified disposition and its effects have been a very complicated theory in theories and practice of the civil law of mainland department .
Firstly , the contract is valid theory accord with the spirit of the modern contract law & freedom 、 justice and efficiency .
The disposition of college to Students is an administrative act of authorization , which should be regulated by principles of administrative law .
This paper starts with explaining the meaning of unauthorized disposition , and introduces different system design of unauthorized disposition in foreign law .
Proxy voting is different from the normal agency by agreement . Proxy separates stock right from the voting power to a certain extent .
The disposition of co-owners by shares is the act that co-owners change or limit the ownership of their mutual property value and entity .
Ex-right disposal is a frequent phenomenon in our economic life , it relates complicated legal relations , and is a complicated theoretical and practical problem .
The third is the lack of the defensive right of obligor . The fourth , the definition to act of disposition is unreason after registration .
The means of the judicial remedy should be offered to the counterpart-the state civil ( servant ) who are given the internal administrative disciplinary measure .
Purchasing and selling stock is not a simple act of disposing civil property , but the most complicated stock investment and transaction on the financial market .
The conduct of ex right disposition refers to a behavior that one person deals with other 's object in the name of himself without relevant right .
So , in term of whole macroscopical aspect of the trade , they shall be unified into the principle of trade security in the obligation law ;
By the investigation to comparative law , it is expected to provide reference for the legislative regulation on the validity of unauthorized disposal act of our country .
Furthermore , this frame realizes its dynamic state through bringing into the concept of the object of disposal act and connecting it with the object of right .
The paper also analyzes the juristic acts on comparative law relatively ineffective , that is , in the German law is the disposition of the relatively ineffective .
College and university administration is an important part of high education , while the right to punish students plays an important role in college and university administration .
But distinguishing act of disposition and act of debt does not mean accepting real right act theory because this theory does not accord with the reality of China .
Whether the internal administrative sanction is indictable remains one of the problems which has been disputed on the case scope of the Administrative Litigation of China among the academic circles .
The value of creditors ' canceling right lies in resuming the responsibility property that is reduced improperly because of active behavior of debtors , and protecting the creditors ' interests .