
chù zhǎng
  • a director;section chief;the head of a department
处长[chù zhǎng]
  1. 攀缘植物贴着房子正面的墙到处长。

    Climbing plants rambled over the front of the house .

  2. 警务处长大发雷霆,因为嫌疑犯尚未找到。

    The police commissioner is on the warpath because the suspect hasn 't been found .

  3. 凹地树木成林,但高处长满青草。

    The hollow was full of trees but the higher ground was covered with grass .

  4. 婚姻登记处处长表示,在七夕前后,他们将延长办公时间。

    The director of marriage registry office says they will extend opening hours around Chinese valentine 's day .

  5. 他被任命为警务处长。

    He was tapped for police commissioner .

  6. 但是,它很少会咀嚼食物,因此只有在上腭处长有几颗小牙齿。

    but as it does not chew its food , it has only a few tiny teeth in its upper jaw15 .

  7. 经济委员会成员、悉尼总主教乔治•佩尔枢机(CardinalGeorgePell)将任经济秘书处处长。

    Cardinal George Pell , archbishop of Sydney and a member of the advisory commission , will lead the secretariat .

  8. 但是德克萨斯基督大学的招生处长RayBrown说“如果有引起我们注意的发布,我们肯定会去看的”。

    But " if ever a post is brought to our attention , you can be certain we 'll check it out ," says Ray Brown , admission dean at Texas Christian University .

  9. EliasSory是加纳健康服务的处长。

    Elias Sory is the director general of health services in Ghana .

  10. 中国国家粮油信息中心(ChinaNationalGrainandOilsInformationCentre)市场监测处处长王晓辉已表示,中国的玉米出口将在2008年9月之前的一年内缩减60%,至200万吨,同时,进口可能增至50万吨。

    Wang Xiaohui , a director at the China National Grain and Oils Information Centre , has said that China 's corn exports might shrink 60 per cent to 2m tonnes in the year to the end of September 2008 , while imports could rise to 500000 tonnes .

  11. 世卫组织流行病防范和干预处处长WilliamPerea博士说,黄热病计划已受到全球金融危机影响。

    Dr William Perea , WHO coordinator for the Epidemic Readiness and Intervention said the yellow fever initiative is feeling the effects of the global financial crisis .

  12. 这是英国秘密情报机构现任负责人,军情六处处长(MI6)首次发表公开讲话。

    It was the first time a sitting head of Britain 's Secret Intelligence Service-known as MI6-has made a public speech .

  13. 到世卫组织之前,Fukuda博士是美国疾病控制和预防中心流感部流行病学处处长。

    Before coming to WHO , Dr Fukuda was Chief of the Epidemiology Unit , Influenza Branch at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States .

  14. SupachaiRerks-Ngarm医生是泰国公共卫生部该研究的负责人。他说,这是科学性的突破。美国陆军军医处长发起了该研究,并于上周公布了最终结果。

    The Surgeon General of the United States Army ed the study and released the final results last week .

  15. 方法47例患者53处长病变(≥30mm)接受重叠冠脉药物洗脱支架术治疗(DES组),47例51处病变接受重叠金属裸支架患者作为对照组(BMS组)。

    Methods Forty-seven patients with de novo coronary lesions more than 30 mm in length underwent overlapping drug-eluting stent therapy ( DES group ) were matched with the other forty-seven patients receiving bare-metal stents ( BMS group ) .

  16. “企业联手一种常见现象,需要全球集体采取执行行动降至铲除,”廉洁局战略和核心服务处处长GalinaMikhlinOliver说。

    " Cartels are a common phenomenon that requires a collective global enforcement effort to dismantle ," said Integrity Vice Presidency Director of Strategy and Core Services Galina Mikhlin Oliver .

  17. 湖北省兴山县顺利完成了17处崩滑体、3处长2939.07m库岸防护的二期地质灾害的防治工作,为135m、139m水库蓄水创造了条件。

    Geological hazard prevention and control in Xingshan country have been successfully accomplished . There are 17 landslides and collapses and 2 939.07 meters reservoir collapse bank in the second period of geological hazards prevention projects .

  18. 同时,他还担任空间和海战系统司令部空间活动处(SSFA)处长及太空系统执行官职务。

    See is also commander , Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command 's ( SPAWAR ) Space Field Activity ( SSFA ) and program executive officer for Space Systems .

  19. 结果:三角肌前束前缘平均长16.5cm,前束在与中间束交界处长14.6cm,前束起始于锁骨部宽5.9cm。

    Results : The average length of ADM is 16.5 cm , and it is 14.6 cm between the boundary of ADM and middle bundle of deltoid muscle . The ADM is 5.9 cm as it originated from clavicle .

  20. 则处长可将此事宜转交纪律委员会。

    The director may refer the matter to the disciplinary board .

  21. 劳工处助理处长(雇员权益)

    Assistant Commissioner for Labour ( Employees ' Rights and Benefits )

  22. 人民入境事务处前处长因私人理由离职;

    The former Director of Immigroverion left public service for personal reasons .

  23. 阮国恒先生现为银行监理处第一分处处长。

    Mr Yuen is currently head of Banking Supervision Division I.

  24. 只是一纸关于价格公示的规定&就《广告服务明码标价规定》专访广告监管司综合处副处长吕志诚

    Just a Piece of Paper about Rules of Clear Prices

  25. 劳工处副处长(职业安全及健康)

    Deputy Commissioner for Labour ( Occupational Safety and Health )

  26. 并兼秘书处处长的董事迈尔斯先生。

    Mr. Miles , who is also the Company Secretary .

  27. 高校后勤处长基本素质初探

    Basic quality of the Head of rear Service Department in Colleges and Universities

  28. 他是财务处处长。

    He 's the director of the finance section .

  29. 副助理署长兼能源处处长

    Deputy Assistant Administrator and Director of the Energy Office

  30. 按处长在公告内所指明者而定。

    As the director may specify in the notice .