
  1. 分离主义立法上,交付(履行行为)无可争议地是法律行为,并且是物权行为;

    Under the legislation of separatism , delivery ( act of performance ) is undoubtedly a legal act and a justice act of right in rem as well .

  2. 根据此条规定并结合学者的观点,可以这样理解违约金:违约金是当事人通过约定而预先确定的、在违约后生效的独立于履行行为之外的给付。

    According to this provision in conjunction with the views of scholars , can be understood liquidated damages : liquidated damages agreed upon in advance by the parties determined , in default to perform after the effective conduct independent outside payments .

  3. 我国《合同法》第94条规定既吸收了英美法根本违约制度,又基本保持大陆法系有关债务不履行行为的分析架构。

    The ninety-fourth article of Chinese Contract Law is drawn on the basis of the absorption of the system of fundamental breach of contracts in the common law and the analytical structure of various forms of inappropriate performance of contractual obligations in civil law .

  4. 因为这里没有履行的行为并且这是没有创造性的。

    Because there is no action performed and because it is uncreated .

  5. 用人者责任与英美法的替代责任和大陆法的雇主责任是意义相当的概念,是用人者对被用人在履行职务行为时致第三人损害承担责任的法律制度。

    There are provisions of the liability of employer in Anglo-American law system and continental law system .

  6. 一种诉讼案。在此案中一方当事人请求另一方当事人应履行某种行为或支付损失赔偿金。

    Court case in which one party claim that the other shall do some act or shall pay damages .

  7. 利他行为是一种对履行这种行为的有机体明显不利,而对另一个有机体却有利的行为。

    Altruism is defined as a kind of behavior which is obviously detrimental to its performer , yet beneficial to another organism .

  8. 在履行时代行为时,他表现出一定的局限性,但这是时代造成的。

    When he fulfilled epochal action , he indicated to some extent certain limitation , but it was caused by the period .

  9. 若对监理单位不严格履行合同行为予以处罚,监理市场开始沿着无效率的路径演进,但最终将演化为规范的市场。

    If the consulting company gets punished for not fulfilling the contract every time , the consulting market will evolve into an ordered market .

  10. 债务人履行某种行为或作某种服务,债权人同意以此全部了结欠他的债务,这样债务人不再会被起诉。

    The performing by a debtor of some act or service which is accepted by the creditor in full settlement , so that the debtor can no longer be sued .

  11. 如果共饮人对不履行先行行为导致的作为义务,造成损害后果的,构成不作为侵权,应当承担相应的民事赔偿责任。

    If the co-drinkers cause the consequence of damage arising from the failure to perform the duty of act from the antecedent act , the co-drinkers shall constitute the infringement by omission and shall assume the relevant civil compensation liability .

  12. 其二,不履行由于先行为造成的法定义务。

    Second , do not perform due to the resulting legal obligations .

  13. 并且善良意志只能体现在出于职责的动机而履行职责的行为中。

    And the good will showed only through acting from the motive of duty .

  14. 接着,研究了心理契约履行对工作行为产生的影响。

    Secondly , analyzing the fulfillment of the psychological contract to the work behavior .

  15. 承担(如,钱)以履行义务由行为人承担责任。

    To commit ( money , for example ) in order to fulfill an obligation . The person performing such act is liable .

  16. 有些法律行为,除双方当事人意思表示一致外,还必须交付实物或履行某种特殊行为,才能成立。

    And even , some legal acts need delivery of goods or performance of special act besides of expression of intention by mutual parties .

  17. 因此,作为企业履行社会责任行为的表现窗口,社会责任报告逐步替代传统财务报告中分散的社会责任信息,集中、专门反映企业社会责任表现,并成为社会责任信息披露的主要研究对象。

    Corporate social responsibility report focuses specifically reflect the corporate social responsibility , and to become the main object of study of social responsibility information disclosure .

  18. 警察执行公务的法律保护是对各种干扰警察依法履行职责的行为进行法律惩戒,以保障警察顺利履责并获得执法效果。

    This kind of protection is to punish those activities interfering police law enforcement and to ensure the process as well as the effect of the law enforcement .

  19. 怠于履行义务的行为,既有客观行为形式,也有主观过错的性质,比不履行法定职责的概念更全面科学;

    Being remiss in obligation , which embodies in not only objective act form , but also subjective faults , is more scientific than not to perform function .

  20. 因此宏观调控行为要求相应的国家机关主体遵守宏观调控法,履行宏观调控行为设定的各项任务与职责,是宏观调控行为拘束力的体现。

    So macro-control action ask state organs to obey macro-control law . fulfill all the tasks and responsibilities set by macro-control action , is embodied of the macro-control behavior binding force .

  21. 本章前述条款中所称担保,包括由保证人承担责任或者提供财产以保证义务人履行义务的行为。

    Guarantee as mentioned in the preceding articles of this chapter shall include an act whereby the guarantor assumes liability or provides property to ensure that the obligor performs its obligations .

  22. 为了有效地解决基层政府行政行为合法性方面存在的问题,笔者结合工作实践,对县级政府法制工作机构如何履行好行政行为合法性审查职责的问题进行了深入思考。

    In order to solve the problems , the author linked up practice , carried out an in-depth questions consider on how to fulfill the good administrative action validity examination responsibility by basic unit legal system organization .

  23. 房地产抵押,顾名思义,就是抵押人以其合法的房地产用不转移占有的方式向抵押权人提供债务履行担保的行为。

    Estate guaranty , just as its name implies , mortgage the person is used with its lawful estate namely do not transfer the kind that have to offer debt to perform the act that assure to hypothec person .

  24. 研究大学生责任意识缺失现象,既有利于加强和改进大学生责任教育,又可以培养当代大学生强烈的社会责任感和使命感,成为自觉履行社会责任行为,敢于担当的一代。

    The study of responsibility awareness defect is advantageous in strengthening and improving responsibility education . Such study can raise university students ' social responsibility and their sense of mission , and urge them to fulfill their social responsibility consciously .

  25. 不履行预订是违法行为,这既适用于餐馆和也适用于顾客。

    It is illegal to dishonour bookings ; that goes for restaurants as well as customers .

  26. 医疗行为实质上是一种履行合同义务的行为。

    Medical behavior is in essence a kind of obligation behavior .

  27. 医德的履行存在于医疗行为中,存在于医患互动中。

    The performance of medical virtue exists in medical service and doctor-patient interaction .

  28. 法官履行审判职责的行为不受法律追究。

    Judges shall be immune from legal action for discharging his or her judicial functions .

  29. 结合具体案件,对合同签订履行过程中的行为进行准确定性具有重要的意义。

    Specific cases , conduct in the course of performing accurate qualitative contract is signed is of great significance .

  30. 黑哨是指裁判员非法收受他人财物而在比赛中不公正履行裁判职责的行为。

    ' Black Whistle ' refers to the behaviors that the referees accept bribes and make unjust judgment in the competition .