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  1. 北方农牧交错带不同土地利用对土壤养分的影响&以张家口市塞北管理区为例

    Effect of Different Land Use on Soil Nutrient in Northern Agriculture-pasturage Eco-zone

  2. 热带气候到塞北的北方西伯利亚式的气候。这种植物在热带气候下生长茂盛。

    Tropical climate , to cold north , Siberia-like temperature . This type of plant flourishes in tropical climates .

  3. 打造枯山水景观,体现塞北特色;通过文化走廊的设计体现地域文化与民族风情。

    Zen garden is designed to show characteristic of the north and the culture corridor expresses vernacular culture and ethnic beauty .

  4. 从艺术风貌上来说,何申作品里描写了极具塞北文化特色的文化景观和风土人情。

    From the artistic style , the works of He Shen in describing a great cultural features of cultural landscape and local customs and practices .

  5. 同年,明军攻占大都,蒙古贵族逃亡塞北,元朝灭亡。

    In the same year , the Ming armies occupied Dadu . The Mongol gentry escaped to the North , and the Yuan Dynasty died out .

  6. 塞北、西域优美的曲调和乐器不断传入中原,对中原音乐的丰富和发展产生了重大影响。

    The melodies and musical instruments of the Western Regions and regions beyond the Great Wall were continuously introduced to the Central Plains , and enriched and influenced the music there .