
  • 网络gibeah;Gibea;Tell el-Fūl
  1. 以色列人在基比亚的四围设下伏兵。

    And Israel set liers in wait round about Gibeah .

  2. 该隐,基比亚,亭纳,共十座城,还有属城的村庄。

    Kain , Gibeah and Timnah & ten towns and their villages .

  3. 拉玛人战兢。扫罗的基比亚人逃跑。

    Ramah trembles ; Gibeah of Saul flees .

  4. 他母亲名叫米该亚(又作玛迦),是基比亚人乌列的女儿。

    His mother 's name also was Michaiah the daughter of Uriel of Gibeah .

  5. 他们就往前走。将到便雅悯的基比亚,日头已经落了。

    So they went on , and the sun set as they neared Gibeah in Benjamin .

  6. 在便雅悯的基比亚,扫罗的守望兵看见非利士的军众溃散,四围乱窜。

    Saul 's lookouts at Gibeah in Benjamin saw the army melting away in all directions .

  7. 撒母耳回了拉玛。扫罗上他所住的基比亚,回自己的家去了。

    Then Samuel went to ramah ; and Saul went up to his house to Gibeah of saul .

  8. 便雅悯人就从基比亚出来,当日杀死以色列人二万二千。

    The Benjamites came out of Gibeah and cut down twenty-two thousand Israelites on the battlefield that day .

  9. 扫罗往基比亚回家去、有神感动的一群人跟随他。

    Saul also went to his home in gibeah , accompanied by valiant men whose hearts God had touched .

  10. 先是以色列人。因为靠着在基比亚前所设的伏兵,就在便雅悯人面前诈败。

    Now the men of Israel had given way before Benjamin , because they relied on the ambush they had set near Gibeah .

  11. 我们向基比亚人必这样行,照所掣的签去攻击他们。

    But this is what we will do to gibeah : we will go up against it by the decision of the lord ;

  12. 又对仆人说:“我们可以到一个地方,或住在基比亚,或住在拉玛。”

    He added ," Come , let 's try to reach Gibeah or Ramah and spend the night in one of those places . "

  13. 那时便雅悯人从各城里点出拿刀的,共有二万六千。另外还有基比亚人点出七百精兵。

    At once the Benjamites mobilized twenty-six thousand swordsmen from their towns , in addition to seven hundred chosen men from those living in Gibeah .

  14. 便雅悯人从他们的各城里出来,聚集到了基比亚,要与以色列人打仗。

    But the children of Benjamin gathered themselves together out of the cities unto Gibeah , to go out to battle against the children of Israel .

  15. 以法莲深深地败坏,如在基比亚的日子一样,耶和华必记念他们的罪孽,追讨他们的罪恶。

    They have deeply corrupted themselves , as in the days of Gibeah : therefore he will remember their iniquity , he will visit their sins .

  16. 又生麦玛拿之祖沙亚弗,抹比拿和基比亚之祖示法。迦勒的女儿是押撒。

    She also gave birth to Shaaph the father of Madmannah and to Sheva the father of Macbenah and Gibea . Caleb 's daughter was Acsah .

  17. 第三日,以色列人又上去攻击便雅悯人,对着基比亚摆阵,与前两次一样。

    And the children of Israel went up against the children of Benjamin on the third day and set themselves in array against Gibeah as at other times .

  18. 有以色列人中的一万精兵,来到基比亚前接战,势派甚是凶猛。便雅悯人却不知道灾祸临近了。

    And there came against Gibeah ten thousand chosen men out of all Israel , and the battle was sore : but they knew not that evil was near them .

  19. 好在耶和华面前,将他们悬挂在耶和华拣选扫罗的基比亚。

    Let seven men of his sons be delivered unto us , we will hang them up unto the LORD in Gibeah of Saul , whom the LORD did choose .

  20. 他们过了隘口,在迦巴住宿。拉玛人战兢。扫罗的基比亚人逃跑。

    They have gone across the mountain ; geba will be our resting-place tonight , they say : ramah is shaking with fear ; gibeah of Saul has gone in flight .

  21. 现在你们要将基比亚的那些匪徒交出来,我们好治死他们,从以色列中除掉这恶。

    Now therefore deliver us the men , the children of Belial , which are in Gibeah , that we may put them to death , and put away evil from Israel .

  22. 在田间两条路上,一通伯特利,一通基比亚,像前两次,动手杀死以色列人约有三十个。

    They began to inflict casualties on the Israelites as before , so that about thirty men fell in the open field and on the roads-the one leading to Bethel and the other to Gibeah .

  23. 便雅悯人也在这日从基比亚出来,与以色列人接战,又杀死他们一万八千,都是拿刀的。

    And Benjamin went forth against them out of Gibeah the second day , and destroyed down to the ground of the children of Israel again eighteen thousand men ; all these drew the sword .

  24. 主人回答说,我们不可进不是以色列人住的外邦城,不如过到基比亚去。

    And his master said unto him , We will not turn aside hither into the city of a stranger , that is not of the children of Israel ; we will pass over to Gibeah .

  25. 以色列阿,你从基比亚的日子以来,时常犯罪。你们的先人曾站在那里,现今住基比亚的人以为攻击罪孽之辈的战事临不到自己。

    O israel , you have done evil from the days of gibeah ; there they took up their position , so that the fighting against the children of evil might not overtake them in gibeah .

  26. 那利未人,就是被害之妇人的丈夫,回答说,我和我的妾到了便雅悯的基比亚住宿。

    Then the levite , the husband of the dead woman , said in answer , I came to Gibeah in the land of benjamin , I and my servant-wife , for the purpose of stopping there for the night .

  27. 西弗人上到基比亚见扫罗,说,大卫不是在我们那里的树林里山寨中,旷野南边的哈基拉山藏着吗?

    Then the ziphites came up to Gibeah to see saul , and said , is not David living secretly among us in the strong places in horesh , in the hill of hachilah to the south of the waste land ?

  28. 晚上有一个老年人、从田间作工回来、他原是以法莲山地的人、住在基比亚、那地方的人却是便雅悯人。

    Now when it was evening they saw an old man coming back from his work in the fields ; he was from the hill-country of Ephraim and was living in gibeah : but the men of the place were benjamites .