
  • 网络Basic Techniques;essential manipulating method
  1. 这里,限制矛盾的基本手法是次协调逻辑。

    Here the basic method to circumscribe contradiction is paraconsistent logic .

  2. 将基本手法技能传授给大众。

    To offer foundation-level skills to the general public .

  3. 其操作方法是由呼吸、燃捻、九六、针芒以及“三才法”等基本手法所组成。

    It was consist of breath , kindle and rotation , nine and six , Shancai , et al .

  4. 后来者在进入现代诗的创作锁域时,也可以从中得到应具备的基本手法和技巧,树立正确的创作观念,少走弯路。

    When successors step into the field of poetic writing , they may obtain the necessary techniques and correct creation ideas .

  5. 塑造良好的山水城市整体意象则是对山水城市风貌与景观进行空间规划的基本手法。之后,作者对韶关城市风貌与景观规划的实践做了总结,通过分析规划的成败对照检验前文的理论。

    Rely on the modern classics urban design theory , to mould the good whole image of Shan-Shui city is basic tactics of carrying on planning .

  6. 认真研究中国传统绘画发展史,我们能清晰地看出宋乃至宋以前,写实主义的表达一直是中国传统绘画的基本手法。

    Studying carefully the history of Chinese traditional painting , we can see clearly that realism is the basic method of painting in Song Dynasty and earlier time .

  7. 关于行针基本手法的分类方法,古今学者的说法存在着差别,至今尚未形成统一的标准。

    No matter in the past or now , scholars are always having different ideas on classification methods of needling fundamental manipulation , but the unified standardization is not yet formed .

  8. 滚动类手法为临床广泛应用的一类单式基本手法,操作技巧强,手法种类多,广泛用于神经系统、运动系统和软组织损伤等疾病。

    Technique of rolling sort is a single basic kind of one with skillful technique and various sorts widely used in clinical diseases such as nervous , motor systems and soft tissue injury etc.

  9. 对于我国现阶段建筑发展态势来说,对明星建筑师的关注不应该仅停留在表象,而是应该探究到关于基本手法和设计原则的层面上。

    For the trend of our current architectural development , we should not stay it in the appearance to know about the known architects , but research their essential methods and design rules .

  10. 然后经过对大量图文资料的研究和比对,将传统装饰文字的基本手法分为:以字为本、花样文字、字画映衬等几大类,相信这一分类是较为系统科学的。

    Then through research and contrast on substantial graphic materials , and traditional decorative character were classified into character basic modus , pattern character modus and Calligraphy and painting against modus , and this classification system is more scientific than before .

  11. 通过研究,本文总结了中国钢琴变奏曲的艺术风格以及创作特点,包括结构规律、发展音乐的基本手法、音乐的陈述结构以及有别于西方变奏曲的独特之处。

    Through the researches , the thesis summaries the artistic styles and composition characteristics of Chinese piano variations , including the laws of structure , the basic technique means of music development , the structure of music statement and the unique quality which differs these variations from western variation works .

  12. 写实绘画是属于具象的艺术形态,是绘画的一种基本表现手法。

    Realistic painting is a representational art form , is a painting basic expressions .

  13. 本篇主要从建筑设计理论上阐述了坡地建筑设计因素及其基本处理手法。

    This article expounds mainly the design factors of hill building and several fundamental means about them by architectural theory .

  14. 而且,都已经达到了相当高的水平。可以说这一时期的绘画大致确立了中国工笔画的基本表现手法。

    Paintings on silk developed to a high level during this period , an advance that laid the foundation for meticulous Chinese painting .

  15. 第二部分是对中国商业电影植入式广告及传播效果相关理论的概述,包括电影植入式广告的概念与其基本植入手法,植入式广告传播效果的理论基础综述。

    The second part outlines some theories related with product placements in the Chinese commercial films and communication effects , including the concept of the product placement , the placement way and theoretical summary of the communication effects of the product placements .

  16. 发展腧穴刺法理论,提出直刺新观念和提插补泻手法量学标准,认为雀啄刺为第3种基本针刺手法,一穴3刺,自成体系。

    Develops needling theory , arises a new conception of perpendicular needling and quantitative standard for lifting and thrusting reinforcing-reducing manipulation , and regards bird-peek needling as the third basic needling manipulation method , 3 needling for one point , having a style of own .

  17. 彩绘是漆器最基本的装饰手法。

    On the whole , colored drawing is the most basic decorative techniques .

  18. 隐喻历来是文艺最基本的表现手法和存在方式。

    Metaphor is always the most basic technique of expression and form of existence in literature and art .

  19. 论文的研究目的就是力图从符号理论角度探讨其与建筑创作的关系和影响,并希望能归纳出一些基本的创作手法,从而构筑起一个对具体创作有益的理论框架。

    The topic of thesis tries to discuss the relationship and the impact of Semiotics to architectural form creation , to construct some basic design techniques .

  20. 在构建书籍装帧生态设计的设计原则基础上,对本学科实践中的基本的技术手法进行分析,倡导绿色的、可持续发展的书籍装帧设计理念。

    On the foundation of the design principle of creating an ecosystem design lastly , it analyses the practice of the basic techniques of the course and brings forward the design principle of green , sustainable development .

  21. 消息的主要任务是迅速及时地报道信息,这种讲求时效的报道也就使消息形成了自己的独特结构倒金字塔和基本的表现手法叙述。

    The main task of news coverage of the rapid and timely information , this time-efficient manner so that news reports also formed its own unique structure - " inverted pyramid " and the basic expression - the description .

  22. 欧洲平面设计大师柯里莫夫斯基说过在各种艺术形式走到尽头的时候,对片段的截取与整合成为后现代的标志之一。在现当代综合绘画中,拼贴也成了最基本的表现手法。

    European Graphic Design Masters said , " come to an end in a variety of art forms , when the interception and integration of the fragments as a sign of post-modern one . " Integrated in modern and contemporary painting , collage has become a fundamental means of expression .

  23. 介绍了形式艺术构成的基本要素、构成手法及其特点,并结合玛莎。

    Basic composition elements of form art are introduced as well as its creative skill and features .

  24. 巧于因借,精在体宜不仅是传统园林的造园原则,而且也是现代造园最基本的原则和手法。

    The basic principle and artifice on landscaping is " artful following and borrowing , refining on appropriate body " .

  25. 这样就建立了材料、基本形、构成手法和建构设计之间的关系。

    Thus set up the material , the basic form , the relationship between the construction technique and construction design .

  26. 对建筑装饰性构件的基本设计原则和手法的归纳总结提供了实践的可行性。

    At last , this thesis summarizes some basic principle and methods about the Ornamental Elements of Architecture to hold forth the feasibility of architectural creation .

  27. 论文详细阐述了依据数学和计算方法对计算机艺术创作&平面构成的基本原理与技术手法进行的研究和开发。

    According to mathematics and computing technology , the thesis has been explained to the artistic creation of computer-basic principle and technological tactics of the Art Plan Composition that have been researched and developed in detail .

  28. 文章对高层建筑造型设计中基本形体和造型手法进行分析,了解形态要素的语言特征,从而将高层建筑造型中的复杂空间分析透彻,进而用于设计与实践中。

    The basic forms and modeling technique for high-rise building are analyzed in this paper in order to make the characteristic of the form 's elements understood and the complex space of high-rise building 's modeling dissected to finally exert them into design and practice .

  29. 最后总结了隐喻实践的基本类型以及隐喻的基本手法及形式。

    Finally , it summarizes the basic type of metaphor practice and the basic technique and form of metaphor .