
  • 网络Keating;paul keating;John Keating
  1. 但是,在过去的时间左右,关键是球员们基廷和布莱恩豪和比兹利和其他人,因为失去了政治生命。

    But the last time around , the key players were Paul Keating and Brian Howe and Kim Beazley and others since lost to political life .

  2. “你从没看过这本书?”基廷摇了摇头。“嗯,没关系。”

    ' Didn 't you ever read the book ? ' Keating shook his head . ' Well , no matter . '

  3. 他怒视着尼基廷,但总书记圆睁双眼,用严厉的目光瞪得他转移了视线。

    He glared at Nikitin but the General Secretary stared him out with hard , pebble-like eyes .

  4. KeatingCapital的蒂姆基廷(TimKeating)表示,这表明投资者有眼力,并非不愿意冒险。

    Tim Keating of Keating Capital said it showed investors were discerning , but not unwilling to take risks .

  5. 之后,五角大楼某高级官员路出口风,说大家误解了基廷上将的意思。

    A senior Pentagon official later suggested Admiral Keating had been misunderstood .

  6. 即便是基廷上将,似乎也不确定他与中国同行的友谊达到了何种程度。

    Even Adm Keating appears unsure about the extent of his Chinese counterparts ' friendship .

  7. 基廷上将表示,这支航母战斗群的指挥官之所以选择这条路线,是因为天气恶劣。

    The carrier battle group 's commander had chosen the route because of crummy weather , he said .

  8. 总统于1916年夏天促使参议院通过了这个当时称为基廷-欧文法的法案。

    President pushed the bill , now called the Keating-Owen bill , through the Senate in the summer of1916 .

  9. 基廷海军上将说,军事演习可以从小型海军和陆地行动开始,然后进行人员的交流。

    Admiral Keating says the exercises could begin with small naval and land activities , followed by personal exchanges .

  10. 参议员基廷不顾十分危险的国际局势,为着他个人的某种目的而在散布某人的谣言。

    Senator Keating was peddling someone 's rumors for some purpose of his own , despite the highly dangerous international situation .

  11. 但是,什么是最重要的要注意的是,基廷没有真正去上赢得大选以后,在1993年。

    However , what 's important to remember is that Keating did actually go on to win the subsequent election , in1993 .

  12. 在其北京之行结束数周之后,基廷上将透露,他尚未拿到中国高级将领的详细联系方式。

    A few weeks after his Beijing trip , he revealed he still did not have contact details for senior Chinese officers .

  13. “我可以拿起电话,给他们之中一些人打电话,”基廷上将在访问北京期间表示。

    " I can pick up a phone and call some of these guys , " ADM Keating said during his Beijing visit .

  14. 基廷政府上台以后,对华实施更加务实的外交政策,大力发展双边贸易关系。

    After Keating government came to power , Australia implemented a more pragmatic foreign policy on China and vigorously developed the bilateral trade relations .

  15. 基廷上将与中国高级国防官员新结成的坦诚而真正的友谊,给跨太平洋军事关系的显著改善画上了点睛之笔。

    Adm Keating 's account of his newly established honest and true friendship with senior Chinese defence officials capped a remarkable revival in cross-Pacific military relations .

  16. 在1992年基廷政府强制雇主按最低薪资的部分比例支付到养老金专户。

    In 1992 the Keating government made it mandatory for employers to pay a proportion of the wages of all but the very lowest-paid workers into a superannuation account .

  17. 我们要不要[减少侦察活动]将由我们自己决定而不是因为中国的任何压力,基廷说。

    Whether we do [ reduce surveillance activities ] or not will be our decision ... [ and ] not due to any pressure from China , Adm Keating said .

  18. 有中国记者问及美国方面派遣小鹰号通过台湾海峡的决定时,基廷上将做出了有力的回应。

    Adm Keating responded robustly to a local journalist 's query about the decision to send the Kitty Hawk through the strait between China and its US-backed democratic rival Taiwan .

  19. 纽约科尔盖特大学的传媒教授基廷认为,在与电视观众交流时,两位候选人都有可圈可点的表现。

    Professor Caroline Keating , a communications expert at Colgate University in New York , says both men had moments when they were effective in connecting with the television audience .

  20. 与校方让学生们备战考试、进入大学的目标截然相反,基廷教育学生们,工作固然是维持生活的崇高追求,但激情才是生而为人的根本原因。

    In direct contrast to the school goal of preparing students for college , Keating taught his students that occupations were noble pursuits to sustain life , but passion is the reason to live .

  21. 我真的非常希望能跟某个人保持联系,基廷上将表示,他们没有说不,只是还没有给我们电话号码而已。

    I really am anxious to be able to get hold of somebody , Adm Keating said . They haven 't said no , they just haven 't given us the phone numbers yet .

  22. 基廷说,这位将领(基廷未提及这位将领的姓名)建议在太平洋中间划一道线,并表示:你们可以拥有太平洋的东半边,从夏威夷到美国本土。

    Keating reported that his unnamed counterpart had suggested drawing a line down the middle of the Pacific and added : You guys can have the east part of the Pacific , Hawaii to the States .

  23. 华盛顿方面表示打算让这些军舰留在那里等候,但是,美军太平洋舰队司令基廷上将这个星期说,这批军舰可能只能再守候几天,而不是几个星期。

    Washington says it intends to keep the ships in place , but the commander of U.S. forces in the Pacific Admiral Timothy Keating said this week that would likely be only for matter of days , not weeks .