
  • Benjamin;Benjamin Franklin;Regina Benjamin
  1. “这太让我吃惊了,本杰明,”她嘲弄道。

    ' I 'm astonished , Benjamin , ' she mocked .

  2. 有意思的是,几个星期以后,本杰明又结婚了。

    Interestingly enough , a few weeks later , Benjamin remarried

  3. 我会把它给本杰明看,他肯定会知道。

    I 'll show it to Benjamin . He 's bound to know

  4. 跟《麦田里的守望者》中的霍顿·考尔菲德一样,本杰明的目标是要回避周遭所见的假模假式之人。

    Like Holden Caulfield in the catcher in the rye , benjamin 's goal is to avoid the phonies he sees all around him .

  5. 本杰明被迫承认他所做的一切。

    Benjamin was forced to admit what he had been doing .

  6. 看着本杰明运用天赋所创造的东西,他十分惊讶。

    He was amazed at what Benjamin had done with his gift .

  7. 本杰明是个成绩差的学生,阅读能力很差。

    Benjamin could read only a little , having been a poor student .

  8. 本杰明决定用猫毛代替。

    Benjamin decided that cat hair would work instead .

  9. 本杰明的画给他留下了深刻的印象。

    He was impressed with Benjamin 's drawings .

  10. 在这个城市,彭宁顿先生给本杰明创作油画的材料。

    In the city , Mr . Pennington gave Benjamin materials for creating oil paintings .

  11. 很快,本杰明就需要用更多的毛了。不久,猫毛开始变得乱糟糟的。

    Soon Benjamin needed more fur . Before long , the cat began to look ragged .

  12. 这是本杰明第一次看到图画以及真正的颜料和画笔。

    These were the first pictures and first real paint and brushes Benjamin had ever seen .

  13. 回家后,他给本杰明寄了一盒颜料和一些刷子。

    When he went home , he sent Benjamin a box of paint and some brushes .

  14. 那年,本杰明的一个堂兄弟彭宁顿先生来拜访他。

    That year , one of Benjamin 's cousins , Mr . Pennington , came to visit .

  15. 他问本杰明的父母是否可以带他去费城看看。

    He asked Benjamin 's parents if he might take the boy to Philadelphia for a visit .

  16. 威廉姆斯对本杰明印象深刻,给了他两本关于绘画的经典书籍让他带回家。

    Williams was impressed with Benjamin and gave him two classic books on painting to take home .

  17. 1747年,本杰明九岁的时候,彭宁顿先生又来拜访了。

    In 1747 , when Benjamin was nine years old , Mr . Pennington returned for another visit .

  18. 该教学方法的部分依据来自于芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago)教育心理学家本杰明•布鲁姆在大约30年前进行的研究。

    It is partly based on research conducted around 30 years ago by University of Chicago educational psychologist Benjamin Bloom .

  19. 杰里米费舍尔先生,彼得兔和本杰明兔子完成了整个行程带着MG徽标并沿途赠送徽章。

    Mr Jeremy Fisher , Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny completed the entire trip wearing MG badges which were presented to them along the route .

  20. 这段话出自本杰明o克莱默。这位前瑞银集团(UBS)咨询师是广受推崇的钟表业垂直网站Hodinkee的创始人兼主编。

    Swrites Benjamin Clymer , the former UBS consultant whfounded and edits the respected horological website Hodinkee .

  21. 正如本杰明.布卢姆(BenjaminBloom)所指出的,教学环境是一种能塑造和强化学生行为的重要力量。

    It is said by Benjamin Bloom that the teaching environment has the power that can mold and enhance students ' behavior .

  22. 本杰明卢因(BenjaminLewin)是另一位葡萄酒方面的资深作家,最近刚刚自行出版了自己的第一本葡萄酒专著。

    Benjamin Lewin is another highly qualified author to have recently published his first wine book himself .

  23. 他指出:只要它是像本杰明•摩尔(BenjaminMoore)品牌956号或925号那样的真实的白色,那么壁全部刷成白色也没问题。

    ' All-white is OK as long as it is an actual white like Benjamin Moore 956 or 925 , ' he says .

  24. 在上海工作的美国建筑师本杰明•特拉维斯•伍德(BenjaminTravisWood)更为谦虚一些&中国人一直认为美国人缺乏这种品质。

    Benjamin Travis Wood , an American architect in Shanghai , plays up modesty , a virtue that Chinese for some reason think Americans lack .

  25. 本杰明•富兰克林(BenjaminFranklin)在1752年发现了电,理查德•特里维西克(RichardTrevithick)制造的蒸汽机车PuffingDevil于1801年在康沃尔郡上路。

    Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity in 1752 and Richard Trevithick 's car , the Puffing Devil , took to the roads of Cornwall in 1801 .

  26. 当哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)研究员本杰明•埃德尔曼(BenjaminEdelman)、迈克尔•卢卡(MichaelLuca)和丹•斯维尔斯基(DanSvirsky)在Airbnb上做田野实验时,他们发现房东和房客都歧视少数族群。

    When Harvard Business School researchers Benjamin Edelman , Michael Luca and Dan Svirsky conducted field experiments on Airbnb , they found that both hosts and guests were discriminating against racial minorities .

  27. 凯洛格管理学院(KelloggSchoolofManagement)经济学家本杰明F琼斯(BenjaminF.Jones)一直试图把视线放到硅谷的明星企业之外,通过一些基于专利引文的、有意义的数据来考察这一问题。

    An economist at the Kellogg School of Management , Benjamin F. Jones , has been trying to look beyond the eye-catching denizens of Silicon Valley to test this question with some meaningful numbers , based on patent citations .

  28. 也有人认为《圣经》中之所以着重描写了左撇子本杰明是因为他们的名字“Benjamin”寓意着“右手之子(sonofmyrighthand)”,所以那些惯用左手的本杰明部族就令人啼笑皆非的变成了“惯用左手的右手之子”。

    It 's also possible that the Bible took special note of specifically left-handed Benjamites because of the humor in their name : " Benjamin " translates as " son of my right hand , " so the left-handed Benjamites were , ironically , " left-handed right-handers . "

  29. 该报告的第一作者本杰明·H·施特劳斯(BenjaminH.Strauss)表示,在全球范围内,情况很可能也是一样的,很多海岸社区近几十年经历了潮汐洪水的增多。

    The lead author of that report , Benjamin H. Strauss , said the same was likely to be true on a global scale , in any coastal community that has seen an increase of saltwater flooding in recent decades .

  30. 1995年,就在曼德拉被选举为总统后不久,本杰明?萨拉(BenjaminXala)说他当时正在家中过诞节,看到曼德拉从他家经过。

    In 1995 , not long after Mr. Mandela was elected president , Benjamin Xala said he was home at Christmas when he saw Mr. Mandela strolling past his house .