
  • 网络Loam or earth glazes
  1. 所烧瓷器不再施化妆土,胎、釉呈现出精、白薄的特征。

    The facilities are no longer fire porcelain Make-up soil , Fetal , GlazeShowing a fine , white and thin features .

  2. 在釉料中加入4%~6%的广西气刀土替代等量的1苏州土,提高了釉浆性能,可增强釉面乳浊效果,提高产品白度,保证和提高产品的热稳定性能。

    Adding 4 % ~ 6 % Guangxi air-blade-grade kaolin to substitute equivalent 1 # Suzhou kaolin can increase performance of glaze slurry , buildup opacifying effect of glazed surface and increase product whiteness , which can assure and promote thermal stability of products .