
  • 网络Saturns moon;satellites of Saturn;Saturns satellite
  1. 观测所获得的土星卫星1988年坐标及其与理论值比较

    The observations of Satellites of Saturn in 1988 and a Comparison of the Theory of the Motion

  2. 土星卫星运动的现代理论和CCD观测定标归算

    Contemporary Theories of Motion for Saturn 's Major Satellites and CCD Calibration

  3. 大气潮;破坏土星卫星的应力。

    Atmospheric tide ; the tides that wrack saturn 's moons .

  4. 土星卫星的精密定轨方案

    The scheme of precise orbital determination of Saturnian satellites

  5. 下一话题土星卫星

    Our next topic is the moons of Saturn

  6. 研究人员日前表示,第三颗土星卫星可能存在表面深层海洋及潜在生命形式。

    A third Saturn moon may have a subsurface ocean with potential for life , researchers say .

  7. 从土星卫星恩塞拉都斯南极喷射出来的气体和冰的羽流含有钠盐,这一现象是目前表明这颗卫星拥有一片液态水的海洋的最好证据。

    The plumes of gas and ice shooting from the south pole of the Saturnian moon Enceladus contain sodium salts , which is the best evidence so far that the satellite harbors a liquid water ocean .

  8. 在《星际穿越》的大部分情节中,这个假说是:有一个仁慈的外星种族,居住在土星卫星附近虫洞的另一端,向整个宇宙传播数据,内容是经过加密的建议,如果我们尽快解开这个密码,就能拯救自己。

    For most of " Interstellar , " the working hypothesis is that a benevolent alien race , dwelling somewhere on the far side of a wormhole near one of the moons of Saturn , is sending data across the universe , encrypted advice that just may save us if we can decode it fast enough .

  9. NASA认为,夏威夷海岸附近的深海火山的周围环境,与土星的卫星土卫二很相似。

    NASA believes the environment around a deep-sea volcano off the coast of Hawaii is similar to that of Saturn 's moon , Enceladus .

  10. 究竟土星的卫星土卫八发生了什麽事?

    What has happened to Saturn 's moon Iapetus ?

  11. 近来,美航局卡西尼号轨道飞行器用雷达扫描了土星的卫星泰坦。

    NASA 's Cassini orbiter recently took some radar readings of the Saturnian moon Titan .

  12. 土星及其卫星的新面貌

    New Look of Saturn and Titan

  13. 就像木星一样,土星的卫星也可能拥有适合生命的条件。

    Like Jupiter , Saturn also has moons that might have the right conditions for life .

  14. 碰撞使环具有放射状散开的倾向,但土星的卫星会储存角动量,而使环保持封闭性。

    The collisions give the rings a tendency to spread radially , but Saturn 's moons act as reservoirs of angular momentum that keep the rings confined .

  15. 谁知道,今天的侠盗或最后一战上瘾,最终可能发现了土星新卫星或寻找治愈癌症的方法。

    Who knows , today 's Grand Theft Auto or Halo addict may end up discovering a new moon around Saturn or finding a cure for cancer .

  16. 2005年,欧洲的惠更斯号探测器在土星的卫星泰坦上登陆,让人们看到前所未见的土星表面的景象。但着陆后几秒内发生了什么却不清楚。

    In 2005 the European Huygens probe landed on Saturn 's moon Titan and provided an unprecedented look at the surface . But what happened in the first seconds after touchdown wasn 't clear .

  17. 土星的卫星土卫一和太阳系最大小行星谷神星也被认为拥有次表层海洋,但科学家尚不能确定这两颗星球上的海洋有多大。

    Mimas , a moon of Saturn , and Ceres , the largest asteroid in the Solar System , are also thought to have subsurface oceans - but scientists aren 't yet sure how big each one might be .

  18. 太阳系有9颗星球有足够浓密的大气:地球——显而易见——还有火星、金星、四大气态巨行星、土星的卫星泰坦,还有太阳。现在让我们仔细分析下在这些星球上分别会发生什么。

    There are nine solar system bodies with atmospheres thick enough to matter : Earth-obviously-Mars , Venus , the four gas giants , Saturn 's moon Titan , and the Sun . Let 's take a closer look at what would happen to a plane on each one .

  19. 美国宇航局(NASA)的科学家日前宣称,最新证据表明,土星的最大卫星泰坦存在生命迹象。

    Scientists from NASA have found evidence of life on Saturn 's biggest moon , Titan .

  20. 美国和意大利行星科学家周四称,在土星的最小卫星之一土卫二(Enceladus)的一片冰面下方发现了大片液态水,其规模和地球上最大的湖相当。这是太阳系外围或适宜生命存在的又一证据。

    Under an icy crust , one of Saturn 's smallest moons harbors a pool of water equal to the largest lakes on Earth , adding to evidence that the frigid outlands of the solar system may be suitable for the chemistry of life , planetary scientists in the U.S. and Italy said Thursday .

  21. 仔细检查还能发现土星的小卫星-土卫十,就位于光环阴影下方。

    Careful inspection will reveal Saturn 's small moon Janus just below a ring shadow .

  22. 卡西尼号本预计于11月11日飞过土星最大的卫星&泰坦。

    The spacecraft was scheduled to fly past Saturn 's largest moon , Titan , on11 November .

  23. 列表上气球的第一个潜在的目的地是土星最大的卫星泰坦。

    First stop on the list of potential destinations for a balloon is Saturn 's biggest moon Titan .

  24. 以土星最大的卫星土卫六为例,它有厚厚的氮气层,含有甲烷和许多其它有机分子。

    Take Titan , Saturn 's largest moon , which has a thick nitrogen atmosphere containing methane and many other organic molecules .

  25. 土星的菲比卫星的运行轨道也在该环内,并且倾斜角度也相同,所以它很可能也是伊阿珀托斯呈现双色的另一个原因。

    Saturn 's moon Phoebe orbits within the ring and at the same inclination , so it is very likely that it is the culprit .

  26. 在土星诸多的卫星中,和那充满碳氢化合物的兄弟土卫六不同,土卫二作为又一颗可能存在液态水的星球,引得整个天文界对它众说纷纭。

    Enceladus , another of Saturn 's many moons , has the astronomy world abuzz with its potential to hold water , unlike its hydrocarbon-rich sister .

  27. 由卡西尼号飞船携带的探测器惠更斯将在土星的最大卫星土卫六的表面着陆。

    The probe " Huygens " carried on the " Cassini " spacecraft will land on the surface of Saturn 's satellite Titan , the largest of all Saturn 's moons .

  28. 在土星最大的卫星土卫六上,科学家们发现其表面的布满液态甲烷的积洼,这些甲烷会造成有如豌豆汤一样的浓雾,而且气味更是糟到家了!

    The scientists found that Titan , Saturn 's largest moon , is covered with puddles of liquid methane , which give rise to a fog that 's as thick as pea soup & and smells a whole lot worse .

  29. 土星和木星的卫星也不见了。

    The moons of Saturn and jupiter . they 're not here .

  30. 现在,土星唯一的大卫星是泰坦。

    Today , Saturn 's only massive moon is Titan .