
  • 网络soil distribution
  1. 大围山土壤分布自下而上依次为山地红壤、山地黄壤、山地黄棕壤和山地灌丛草甸土,在海拔1100m以上的山间盆地和凹地间有草甸、沼泽土分布。

    Soil distribution from the foot to the top were : mountain red soil , mountain yellow soil , mountain yellow-brown soil and mountain meadow soil . Above the 1100 m of absolute altitude of the intermountain basin is bog soil .

  2. 我国大地构造分区与土壤分布的关系

    Relationship between the geotectonic division and the soil distribution in China

  3. 天津地区碱化土壤分布规律及形成原因

    Distributing Characteristic and Forming Causation of Alkali Soils in Tianjin

  4. 中国土壤分布与气候条件的联系

    Relationship between soil distribution and climatic condition in China

  5. 云南土壤分布的特点及地带性规律

    Characteristics and zonality of soil distribution in Yunnan Province

  6. 塔里木河中游土壤分布规律及其特征研究

    Research on Distribution Laws and Features of Soil in Middle Reaches of Tarim River

  7. 然而,我国南方酸性土壤分布广、面积大,耐酸苜蓿根瘤菌资源缺乏。

    However , there 's a lot of acid soil in South of China , and acid-tolerant rhizobia are in short .

  8. 黄土丘陵区土壤分布规律及其与林业生产关系&以延安地区为例

    Soil Distribution and Its Relationship to Forestry in Loess Hilly Area ─ A Case Study in Yan'an Prefecture , Shaanxi Province

  9. 相似的土壤分布得如此广泛,表明一个酸性海洋曾覆盖了大范围的火星表面,或许曾存在具有同样化学特性的众多湖泊。

    Such a broad dispersal of similar soils argues for an acidic sea stretching across large swaths of Mars , or perhaps lakes with the same inherent chemistry .

  10. 本文阐述了扎兰屯市土壤分布规律和土壤养分状况,分析了土壤侵蚀类型及其成因,并根据水土流失分区指标,提出水土流失分区。

    The soil distribution and soil nutrient condition are discussed , the type and cause of soil erosion are analysed , and soil erosion index is applied to determin the soil erosion distribution .

  11. 我国盐渍化土壤分布广、面积大,再加上人类不合理耕作而造成的土壤次生盐渍化,使我国土壤盐渍化日趋恶化,已严重影响和制约了我国农业和畜牧业的发展。

    In our country , the saline-alkali soil is distributed widely and has a large area , adding to the secondary salinization caused by improper cultivation , the salinization of soil becomes more serious .

  12. 其次是盐土,轻度盐渍化土壤分布较少。(2)种植植被后,土壤理化性质得到了一定程度的改善。

    The moderate salinization soil and the severe salinization soil are the most widely distributed , followed by the saline soil , then the mild salinization soil . ( 2 ) Soil properties of physical and chemical have been improved to some extent after planting plants .

  13. 采用GPS和GIS技术研究了云南省玉溪市红塔区植烟土壤养分分布状况和施肥分区。

    The spacial distribution of soil nutrients was studied at Hongta district of Yuxi city , Yunnan province by applying GPS and GIS technique .

  14. 利用NDVI指数识别作物及土壤盐碱分布的应用研究

    Applied Study on Identification of Crops and Salinity Distribution by NDVI Index

  15. 利用~(137)Cs技术研究黑土坡耕地土壤再分布特征

    Redistribution patterns of black soil in hillslope landform of Northeast China : A ~ ( 137 ) Cs study

  16. 文中首先研究了土壤温度分布特性,确定了大地原始温度分布的计算式;野生型E(W~(?)

    The characteristics of soil temperature distribution are studied at the beginning of the paper , and the computational model of original soil temperature field distribution is established . The original E ( w (?)

  17. 总之,本研究大大提高了关于在小型种植场规模中土壤再分布对SOC含量和通量的影响的认识和理解。

    Overall , this study substantially improves the knowledge and understands about the impacts of soil redistribution on SOC stocks and fluxes at the small cultivated field scale .

  18. 在土壤空间分布上,0~20cm土层盐分含量最高;

    On the spatial distribution , the accumulation of soil salt in 0 ~ 20 cm soil was the most .

  19. 不同土层深度土壤微生物分布以0~20cm土层最多,20~40cm次之,40~80cm最少。

    The distribution of soil microorganism is most abundances in 0 ~ 20cm in depth , the 20 ~ 40cm is less , the 40 ~ 80cm is the least .

  20. 利用137Cs和飞灰示踪技术,研究坡耕地黑土近50年和近100年来土壤再分布过程,计算坡耕地土壤有机碳(SOC)迁移和累积平衡。

    A sloping field of black soil in northeast China was selected to conduct soil redistribution for the past nearly 50 and 100 years , and to calculate the carbon budget by using ~ ( 137 ) Cs and fly ash tracer techniques .

  21. 利用能模拟地下滴灌系统水流二维运动的HYDRUS-2D计算机模型在不同的地下滴灌灌水设计参数条件下,对土壤水分分布的影响进行了模拟分析。

    Under the condition of different irrigation design parameters in subsurface drip irrigation ( SDI ), the soil-water distribution are simulated and analyzed by a HYDRUS-2D computer program , which can simulate the two-dimension soil-water movement of SDI system .

  22. 垄沟耕作条件下的土壤水分分布试验研究

    Experimental study on soil water distribution under ridge and furrow cultivation

  23. 茶园土壤团聚体分布特征及其对有机碳含量影响的研究

    Distribution Characteristics of Soil Aggregates and Organic Carbon in Tea Plantation

  24. 滴灌条件下沙地土壤水分分布与运移规律

    Water Distribution and transport in sandy soil under drip Irrigation

  25. 东北草原土壤微生物分布特征

    The Feature Analysis of Soil Microbial Distribution in Northeastern China Grassland Ecosystem

  26. 山东省鱼台水稻生产基地土壤镉分布现状及来源分析研究

    Soil Cd Current Distribution and Origin Study of Yutai Rice Production Base

  27. 雷州半岛土壤重金属分布特征及其污染评价

    Distribution and pollution assessment of heavy metals in soil samples of Leizhou Peninsula

  28. 不同质地土壤钾肥分布规律研究

    A Study on The Laws of Potassium Fertilizer Distributing in Different Texture Soils

  29. 绿洲地带非均质土层分界面处土壤水分布特征

    The Characteristics of Soil Water Distribution at the Boundary Surface of Inhomogeneous Zone

  30. 安塞小流域土壤养分分布特征研究

    Soil nutrient distribution in the small watershed of Ansai