
  • Teapot;Clay Pot
  1. 紫砂壶创始年可追溯到北宋中期,距今有900年历史。

    The first Zisha teapot could be traced back to the middle of Northern Song Dynasty , 900 years ago .

  2. 本课题分析了历代紫砂壶的设计制作、器型等,找出其设计精华部分。

    This topic should analyze the design , fabrication and pattern of the purple clay teapot in different dynasties , which goes down the cream of design .

  3. 最近,很多读者咨询关于紫砂壶的这些问题。

    Recently , many readers advice on ceramic tea-pot of these problems .

  4. 嘴里含着你和紫砂壶一般高贵、典雅的名字!

    Mouth with a general Purple-pot you and the noble , elegant name !

  5. 如何才能买到好的紫砂壶呢?

    How to buy a good ceramic tea-pot ?

  6. 紫砂壶艺术已具备高度的艺术品位,逐渐形成了独特的民族风格。

    That the arts have a high degree of artistic taste , and has gradually formed a unique national style .

  7. 紫砂壶又名“宜兴壶”,它是用江苏宜兴特有的紫砂泥烧制而成的一种茶具。

    Zisha teapots , also known as " Yixing teapots , " are made of purple clay specially produced in Yixing of Jiangsu Province .

  8. 紫砂壶在中国历史上虽然只有短短几百年,经历朝代的更替发展,已经成为了中国传统文化的符号象征。

    Through the development of dynasties , Purple Pottery Pot has become a symbol of Chinese traditional culture only a few centuries in Chinese history .

  9. 先用开水烫热紫砂壶,然后放茶叶至壶的50%-70%。

    First you heat the cinnabar tea pot water , and then put in the tea to fill approximately 50 % to 70 % of its capacity .

  10. 紫砂壶的造型基本上要符合稳的要求,“稳”除指使用时的稳定外,也要求视觉上具有安定感。

    The demand of stability is well met in the designing of its form . Sia-bility means more than a teapot that pours clean and steady for the visual stability also counts .

  11. 江南的紫砂壶玲珑剔透,泥人张的彩塑令人拍案叫绝,它们不都是泥土的微笑吗?

    Both the exquisiteness of the boccaro teapots made in south China , and the shockingly beautiful sculptures by Clay Sculptor Zhang of Tianjin & aren 't they all smiles of the earth ?

  12. 通过观赏这些图文并茂的紫砂壶,使人们既观赏到壶艺,又可以学到一些历史、社会和自然知识。

    By reading the book which includes lots of pictures and the information on them , readers can appreciate the purple clay pot art and learn more about history , society and nature .

  13. 紫砂壶就是其中之一,它融实用与艺术为一体的典范,是中国乃至世界陶瓷界的奇葩,凝聚了历代匠人的心血。

    The purple clay teapot is just one of them . It is a fine example which combines practicality and art . So it is a miracle in the field of porcelain in China even in the world which agglomerates much painstaking effort for generations of craftsmen .

  14. 通过对正赝品紫砂曲壶从线、面、体、势4个方面的造型比较,分析其在造型设计过程中的细节处理,指出在设计过程中,细节决定一切。

    Through the compare of real Qu-teapot with counterfeit one from form in aspects of line , surface , body and power , analyzing the details in the design 's process , we point out that in the design , details decide everything .