
  • 网络Keeler;Christine Keeler
  1. 基勒小口抿着他加了奎宁水的杜松子酒。

    Keeler sipped at his gin and tonic .

  2. 安全部门发现了他和基勒小姐的秘密联系。

    The security services had discovered his liaison with Miss keeler .

  3. 基勒的学生住在学校的宿舍里。

    The students of kelle live in houses on the campus .

  4. 基勒在戈登案件中提供的证据是伪证。

    Keeler 's evidence in the Gordon case was perjured .

  5. 我同兰基勒先生的关系越来越密切了。

    I had been gaining ground with Mr Rankeillor .

  6. 雪莉去那里秘密会见基勒。

    Sherry was there , meeting privately with keeler .

  7. 兰基勒先生想和我说话吗?

    Would Mr Rankeillor want to talk to me ?

  8. 他们也想杀死史基勒局长助理。

    They tried to kill a.d.skinner .

  9. 他同意每年付给我钱,而且兰基勒先生将监督他的行为。

    He agreed to pay me money every year , and Mr Rankeillor would check that he did .

  10. 我和艾伦开始向爱丁堡走去,而兰基勒先生和托伦斯则折回昆斯费里。

    Alan and I started walking towards Edlnburgh , while Mr Rankeillor and Torrance turned back to Queensferry .

  11. 我们决定,艾伦藏在田野里而我则步行到昆斯费里去找兰基勒先生。

    We decided that Alan would stay hidden in the fields , while I walked to Queensferry to find Mr Rankeillor .

  12. 第二天,当我和兰基勒先生一起用早餐时,我和他说起了艾伦。

    The next day , while Mr Rankeillor and I were having breakfast together , I talked to him about Alan .

  13. 当我们乘船从莱姆基恩渡过福斯河时,我们离昆斯费里,就是兰基勒先生居住的那儿,只有5公里路了。

    When we crossed the Forth River by boat from Limekilns , we were only five kilometres from Queensferry , where Mr Rankeillor lived .

  14. 但当艾伦、托伦斯和兰基勒先生躺在楼上的硬床上睡觉时,我躺在厨房的柜子上,那些现在属于我了。

    But while Alan and Torrance and Mr Rankeillor slept on the hard beds upstairs , I lay down on the kitchen chests , which now belonged to me .

  15. 我、兰基勒先生还有托伦斯藏在台阶下边,离房子近得都可以听清任何谈话,而艾伦径直走向房门并大声敲了起来。

    Mr Rankeillor , Torrance and I hid below the steps , near enough to hear any conversation , while Alan went straight up to the door and knocked loudly .

  16. 但其中有些塞浦路斯和基勒乃人到了安提约基雅,也向希腊人讲道,宣传主耶稣的福音。

    But some of them were men of Cyprus and Cyrene , who , when they were entered into Antioch , spoke also to the Greeks , preaching the Lord Jesus .

  17. 在兰基勒先生舒适的客厅里,我给他讲述了我早年的故事,告诉他我的叔叔买通霍齐亚森船长诱拐了我并把我带到了海上。

    In Mr Rankeillor 's comfortable sitting-room , I told him the story of my early life , and explained that my uncle had paid Captain Hoseason to kidnap me and take me to sea .

  18. 但这之后那天晚上,我、兰基勒先生和托伦斯走出昆斯费里后,兰基勒这位律师突然笑着叫道:“唉,我多思蠢!我忘了我的眼镜!”于是我明白了他为什么给我讲托伦斯的故事。

    But later that evening , when Mr Rankeillor , Torrance and I were walking out of Queensferry , the lawyer suddenly cried out , laughing , ' Well , how stupid of me ! I 've forgotten my glasses ! ' And I understood why he had told met he story about Torrance .