
  1. 昨天,第三届中国人力飞行大会在珠海圆明新园公园里举行。

    The3rd China Manpower Fly Contest was held in New Yuanming Palace of Zhuhai yesterday .

  2. 圆明新园等五个品牌则荣获了观众喜爱的珠海品牌称号。

    The Yuanmin new palace and other four companies Wun the honour of audience preferred brands .

  3. 圆明园由圆明、长春、绮春三园组成,总面积达350公顷。

    Yuanmingyuan by the Yuanming , Changchun , YiChun three Park , with a total area of350 hectares .

  4. 顺便一提的是圆明版已稀有了而盗版的普及也让很多新人难以知道事实。

    Btw the increasing rarity of Yuan Ming edition and popularity of the pirate edition also makes new comers hard to know .

  5. 它始建于康熙四十六年(1707),由圆明、长春、绮春三园组成。

    First built in the 46th year of the reign of Emperor Kongxi ( 1707 ) , it is composed of three gardens , i.

  6. 一九九零年在圆明讲堂上明下旸大和尚座下受三皈五戒,开始茹素念佛。

    In1990 , he became a Buddhist and vegetarian after taking Three Refuges and undertaking the adherence of the Five Commandments under Great Master Ming Yang , in Yuanming Temple in Shanghai .

  7. 圆明三园在1860年毁于英法联军之手,剩下的只有这片作为国家纪念场所的废墟,提醒着人们欧洲带来的创伤。

    Once part of a trio of its kind known as the Garden of Perfect Brightness , the wall was destroyed in 1860 by the British and the French . All that remains is this national ruin , a reminder of these European wounds .