
  • 网络billet;round
  1. 圆坯连铸机的高效化改造与生产实践

    Production Practice and Revamping of Round Billet Caster for High Efficiency

  2. 提高钢水洁净度降低圆坯中夹杂物

    Improving Cleanliness of Molten Steel and Reducing Inclusion in Round Billet

  3. 圆坯Al系夹杂物原位统计分布分析

    Statistic Dispersion Analysis of Inclusions in Continuous Casting Round Billet

  4. 圆坯连铸PLC控制

    PLC Control System In Round Bloom Caster

  5. 论述了圆坯连铸中PLC的系统结构和控制以及一些抗干扰的方法。

    Describing PLC system configuration and control in round bloom caster as well as some anti-jamming methods .

  6. 本钢薄板铸坯夹杂物分析与控制措施圆坯Al系夹杂物原位统计分布分析

    The Study of Inclusions and Control of Benxi Thin Slab Caster Statistic Dispersion Analysis of Inclusions in Continuous Casting Round Billet

  7. 含V、Ti微合金钢连轧圆坯表面裂纹的研究

    The Research on the Surface Cracks of Continues Rolled Round Billet for Alloy Steels with a Little V and Ti

  8. 基于Profibus总线的钢厂圆坯连铸机自动化系统

    Based on Profibus Automation System for Iron and Steel Factory Circle-billet Casting

  9. 应用Marc有限元软件对圆坯连铸的连续矫直变形过程进行模拟。

    The straightening process of continuously cast round bloom has been simulated using Marc Finite-Element software .

  10. 圆坯铸机兼铸150×150mm小方坯设备改造

    Equipment reformation of round caster and casting 150 × 150 billet

  11. φ800mm圆坯连铸机的设计特点和应用实践

    The Design Features and Application of φ 800 Bloom Caster

  12. 基于Fluent对水平连铸结晶器温度场分布及传热的研究笔者采用专门设计的热流传感器对弧形连铸圆坯结晶器的热流进行在线检测。

    Study of Heat Transfer and Temperature Distribution of Mold Horizontal Continuous Casting Based On Fluent The heat flux of curved mold for round casting was measured by special designed heat flux sensor .

  13. 在12m半径的弧形圆坯铸机上生产150×150mm小方坯,且在不改变原铸机的工艺布置与设计的基础上,进行工业试验。

    In condition of the original layout and design of round continuous caster with arc 12m , the billets were produced .

  14. 研究分析圆坯结晶器电磁搅拌(M-EMS)对圆坯质量的影响。

    The effect of mould electromagnetic stirring on the quality of a round bloom is studied in this paper .

  15. 3Cr(17)NiMo模具钢圆坯淬冷温度场仿真与工艺设计

    Temperature Field Simulation and Technology Design of 3Cr_ ( 17 ) NiMo Mould Steel Bar During Quenching

  16. 发现圆坯三辊斜轧时的应变强度在轧件纵剖面上的分布形态与圆坯二辊斜轧极为相似,也呈W型。二、末日意识两个小偷(英文)

    It is identified that the distribution pattern of strain strength on the rolled piece longitudinal section during three-hi cross-rolling process with round billet is very similar to that during two-hi cross-rolling process with round billet , i.e. both appear in a " W " pattern .

  17. φ210mm断面圆坯结晶器保护渣的探讨

    Discussion on Flux Powder of Crystallizer in Round Billet with ? 210 mm Section

  18. 长水口氩封保护对圆坯(φ450mm)和车轮钢质量的影响

    Effect of extended nozzle protecting with argon gas seal on quality of round blank (φ 450 mm ) and wheel steel

  19. 为充分利用圆坯铸机的生产能力,增加企业效益,平衡公司产品结构,对圆坯铸机进行改造,增加150×150mm小方坯断面。

    In order to make the round caster in full use and increase the efficiency and balance the product structure , the round caster is reformed to produce 150 × 150 billet section .

  20. 衡阳钢管水平连铸圆坯凝固传热的研究衡钢ф180mm水平连铸圆管坯扩规改造实践

    Study of Solidification Heat Transfer of Round Billet Horizontal Continuous Casting in Heng Yang Steel PIPE Revamping practice on horizontal continuous casting for ф 180mm round blank in Hengyang Steel

  21. 研制的渣能够替代进口产品,满足圆坯φ230-φ350mm断面连铸生产工艺要求。

    The industrial experiment results indicate that the mould powder is able to replace imported product , meet the requirement of continuous casting process for 230-350 dia mm round billet .

  22. 试验和分析了电磁搅拌(S-EMS、F-EMS)对连铸圆坯的中心等轴晶区比率、中间裂纹、缩孔、疏松的影响。

    The effect of electromagnetic stirring ( S-EMS ? F-EMS ) on center equiaxial crystal zone proportion , central crack , contraction cavity , looseness in horizontal concasting round billet has been tested and analyzed .

  23. 通过分析天津钢管公司炼钢厂Φ210mm断面圆坯连铸工艺特点,提出了适合于该断面结晶器保护渣的性能要求。

    By analysing the casting characteristic of round billet φ 210 mm section in Steel - making Plant of Tianjin Pipe Corporation , the requirement suitable to property of crystallizer flux powder of the round billet section is put forward .

  24. 圆坯连铸结晶器传热的反算法

    Inverse algorithm of heat transfer in round billet continuous casting mould

  25. 圆坯连铸结晶器钢液流场研究

    Study on fluid flow pattern of round billet continuous casting mould

  26. 钢连铸圆坯结晶器锥度数值模拟优化

    Numerical Optimization of Round Mould Taper for Continuous Casting Steel Slab

  27. 低压铸造圆坯的穿孔工艺研究

    A study of piercing technology for low pressure cast round billets

  28. 圆坯方坯凝固定律的导出和验证

    Deduction and validation of solidification law for round and square blooms

  29. 圆坯结晶器铜管温度场模拟

    Simulation on Temperature Field of Copper Pipe in Round Caster Mould

  30. 优化二冷工艺参数增加圆坯等轴晶比例的研究

    Study on optimizing secondary cooling parameters and improving equiaxed crystal rate