
  • 网络IAU;The International Astronomical Union
  1. 看来,即使国际天文学联合会依然把冥王星视为一颗行星,太阳系有九颗行星的经典理论也必须改变,但那得是另一番情形。

    It seems that even if the IAU had kept Pluto 's status as a planet , the classical theory of nine planets in the solar system would have had to be changed , but the other way around .

  2. 国际天文学联合会在行星的新定义中将轨道作为一项衡量标准。

    The new IAU planet definition mentions orbits .

  3. 给星体命名是由国际天文学联合会决定的。

    The naming of stars is at the discretion of the International Astronomical Union .

  4. 第二年,国际天文学联合会(InternationalAstronomicalUnion)就把冥王星归入名为“矮行星”的一个新类别,因为在该学会看来,一颗名副其实的行星必须能够清空轨道上的其他天体,而冥王星做不到这一点。

    The next year , the International Astronomical Union placed Pluto in a new category , " dwarf planet , " because in its view , a full-fledged planet must be the gravitational bully of its orbit , and Pluto was not .

  5. 谈到冥王星的特征,NASA科学家们正准备给一些他们发现到的东西进行非正式命名。他们可以将这些名字递交给国际天文学联合会以获得官方认证。

    And speaking of Pluto 's features , NASA scientists are now giving unofficial names to some of the things they 've spotted -- names they can submit to the International Astronomical Union for official approval .

  6. 当国际天文学联合会最近重新定义了术语'行星';

    When the International Astronomical Union recently redefined the term'planet ' ;

  7. 这是一次由国际天文学联合会召开的会议。

    It is the conference of the International Astronomical Union .

  8. 国际天文学联合会会员感兴趣的其他会议

    Other Meetings of Interest to IAU Members

  9. 国际天文学联合会近日发布公报,将第31230号小行星永久命名为“屠呦呦星”。

    The No.31230 asteroid was named " Tuyouyou , " according to a statement issued by International Astronomical Union .

  10. 官方声明由国际天文学联合会命名恒星,并在全世界组织有权姓名天文物体。

    Official statement on naming stars from the International Astronomical Union , the worldwide organization that does have the authority to name astronomical objects .

  11. 2004年9月16日,经国际天文学联合会小天体提名委员会批准,一颗小行星被命名为“落下闳小行星”,以此纪念这位伟大的天文学家。

    On September 16 , 2004 , with the approval from the International Astronomical Union , an asteroid was named after Luo Xiahong in commemoration of the great Chinese astronomer .