
  • 网络Himalayan stage
  1. 地质分析和剖面复原结果表明,盐推覆构造主要形成于新近纪末期以来的喜马拉雅晚期阶段,现今仍具有强烈的活动性。

    According to the geological analysis and cross-section restoration , the salt nappes were mainly formed in the late Himalayan stage since the end of Neogene and are still active intensively at present .

  2. 以雅鲁藏布江带为主洋盆带的特提斯洋,从三叠纪晚期开始消减,经历了印支、燕山、喜马拉雅3个阶段脉动式板块汇聚造山过程。

    The Tethyan Ocean with the Yarlung Zangbo belt as the main ocean basin belt began to be sub-ducted in the Late Triassic and experienced a process of pulsatory plate convergence orogeny including the Indosinian , Yanshanian and Himalayan stages .