
But mang people only focus on Fustaph 's comic personality all the time , and do not attend to developing the constitution of his personality .
The character is created in the way of psychoanalysis . This is the very reason why the comic character by him puts on some new features .
The feature of satiric art used in Lu Xun 's fiction are smile with tears , contradicting unification of tragic character and comic character , the reality of satire and such writing skills as comparison , humour , exaggeration , and so on .
In recent years , there are two viewpoints about the comparison researches : one thinks that they are nearly the same not only in behaviors , consciousnesses and their comedy and tragedy characters , but also in the causes about all the factors mentioned above ;
Doh Qvixote is a funny comic character created by famous Spaniard author Miguel de Cervantes Seavedra ( 1547-1616 ) . His character shares both comedy and tragedy .