
xǐ bào
  • Good news;a bulletin of glad tidings;a bulletin announcing glad tidings
喜报 [xǐ bào]
  • [a bulletin announcing glad tidings] 书面报喜的文帖

  • 立功喜报

喜报[xǐ bào]
  1. 胜利促使他给罗斯福发了封喜报。

    The victory inspired him to dispatch a gleeful telegram to Roosevelt

  2. 凯歌阵阵,喜报频传。

    Songs of triumph are heard all round and good news keeps pouring in .

  3. 但事实上,到了宣统二年,还出现中第举人的喜报,反映出清政府废科举制度的不彻底性。

    But in fact , there still appeared " Zhongdi Bulletin Paper " in2 of Xuantong Emperor , reflecting the incompleteness of abolishing imperial examination system by Qing government .