
  • 网络Mantou Formation
  1. 辽东半岛南部早古生代馒头组&冶里组沉积盆地演化

    The sedimentary basin evolution of Early Palaeozoic Mantou formation Yeli formation in the south of Liaodong Peninsula

  2. 馒头组中段的页岩和薄层灰岩及馒头组上部的深褐色页岩构成第2个海进序列;

    The secondary transgression sequence constructed the shales and limestones in the middle part of the Mantou Formation .

  3. 第三、四套为寒武系徐庄毛庄馒头组和青白口系是区域性的盖层。

    The third and fourth set for the Cambrian XuZhuang-MaoZhuang-steamed bread group and the stimulation of the mouth is regional caprocks .

  4. 近几年在鲁中不同地区发现馒头组石店段中均有震积岩产出。

    Seismites of the Shidian Member of the Cambrian Mantou Formation have been found in different areas of the central Shandong Province in recent years .

  5. 结果(1)共有5例病人行上述检查后尿酮体阳性,OGTT组2例(2%),馒头餐组3例(3%)。

    Results ( 1 ) There were five patients with ketonuria after the test , two in OGTT group ( 2 % ), three in bread meal test group ( 3 % ) .
