
  • 网络shangdu
  1. 1946年生于内蒙古商都。

    Born in Shangdu , Inner Mongolia in1946 .

  2. 很多交易商都预测最近市场的下跌趋势还将延续。

    Many traders forecast a continuation of the market 's recent bearish trend .

  3. 福特汽车公司的代销商都是独立的联营商。

    Ford dealerships operated as independent franchises .

  4. 这场风暴已酝酿良久,当它变成狂风时,大多数大型零售商都在寻找应对措施。

    That storm has been brewing for some time , and as it has reached gale force , most large retailers are searching for a response .

  5. 我们的承销商都不要这些车子,因此我们只好贱价拍卖

    Our dealers didn 't want these cars , so we had to dump them at auctions .

  6. 许多零售商都渴望能提供苹果公司(Apple)那样的客户服务体验。

    Providing apple-like customer service is something many retailers aspire to .

  7. 有80%的广告商都续订了服务,更新了Twitter上的营销活动。

    The number of advertisers that renew campaigns is 80 % .

  8. 目前我国三大电信运营商都已经构建基于IP的视讯会议业务网,覆盖国内大多数城市,主要提供视讯会议和可视电话等业务。

    At present , the three major operators in China have established IP-based business networks which cover most large cities .

  9. 另外,每个LDAP目录提供商都支持性能调优机制。

    Additionally , each LDAP directory vendor supports a mechanism for performance tuning .

  10. 每家主要的技术图书出版商都有关于Geronimo的书。

    Every major technical book publisher has a book about Geronimo .

  11. 任何SUPPLIER的分销商和贸易商都不允许售卖SUPPLIER的按摩浴缸都欧洲。

    Any distributors and trading companies of SUPPLIER are not allowed to sell any spas manufactured by SUPPLIER to Euro .

  12. IP业务量正呈爆炸式增长,各电信公司、网络运营商都在积极建设下一代宽带网络。

    To meet the demands of the explosive growth of IP traffic , various telcos and network operators are vigorously constructing the next generation broadband networks .

  13. 很多软件提供商都与Amazon有过合作以帮助其客户充分利用EC2。

    Many software providers have partnered with Amazon to help their customers leverage EC2 .

  14. 与云的接口也各不相同,虽然轻量的REST接口是首选,但现在并不是每个云计算提供商都提供这种接口。

    Interfaces into the cloud vary also , though a lightweight REST interface is preferred , even if it is not currently offered by every cloud computing provider .

  15. 主要软件工具提供商都参与进来了,并且开放源代码Eclipse插件项目的数量正在与日俱增。

    Major software tool vendors are on board , and the number of open source Eclipse plug-in projects is growing every day .

  16. 而且现在许多承销商都紧盯着主打社交网络牌的初创公司,人人IPO的成功也会让承销商坚信这些公司的确有盈利前景。

    And it would offer evidence to Underwriters of a deep hunger for any social-network-themed startup with a promise of profits .

  17. 目前,这两家主要的数字内容零售商都在诱使用户将内容储存在云上,将同时加速iCloud和CouldDrive的普及率。

    Having two major digital-content retailers coaxing users to store their content in the cloud could speed up adoption of both iCloud and Cloud Drive .

  18. 目前,绝大多数的3G移动运营商都同时拥有3G和GPRS网络,有的移动运营商还拥有EDGE网络。

    Now , most of 3G operators own both 3G and GPRS communication networks , some of them have EDGE communication network , too .

  19. 消费者和广告商都很高兴:因为根据DemandMedia的执行官说,这个媒体从一开始就很赚钱,每年能够产生2亿的利润。

    Readers are happy , and advertisers apparently are too : Executives say that Demand Media has been profitable since its start , reportedly generating more than $ 200 million in revenue a year .

  20. 几乎所有主要的智能手机制造商都承认支持J2ME平台。

    J2ME has been accepted and supported by almost all the main intelligent mobile phone producers .

  21. 幸运的是,大多数发行版提供商都启用了GPT支持,但是您应该验证这个细节。

    Fortunately , most do so , but you should verify this detail .

  22. 现在,越来越多的运营商和IP电话服务商都在提供基于SIP的服务,网络设备供应商也在开发支持SIP信令的硬件。

    Now more carriers and VoIP providers are providing service based on SIP . Furthermore , network device providers are developing hardware supporting SIP signaling .

  23. 并非所有提供商都愿意公开它在SaaS环境中是如何管理控件行为的。

    Not all providers are willing to disclose how well they manage control activities in the SaaS environment .

  24. 本文中的服务由ISP提供,但是任何提供商都可以使用这种方法。

    The service in this case is that of an ISP , but any provider can use this approach .

  25. 员工、客户和合作商都对AOL有着巨大的忠诚度和热爱度。

    It has tremendous loyalty and passion among employees , customers and partners .

  26. 许多供应商都推出了他们自己的LDAP解决方案,以便充分地支持目录服务(这项技术在过去十多年中已经非常成熟)。

    Many vendors have implemented their LDAP solution to take advantage of directory services , which have matured over the past decade .

  27. 研究家用和个人护理产品行业的消费者前沿公司(ConsumerEdgeResearch)执行董事哈维尔•埃斯卡兰特表示,2013年第三季度,大型零售商都在消化库存。

    In the third quarter of 2013 , mass retailers did what 's called a de-stocking , according to Javier Escalante , an executive director at Consumer Edge Research who covers the household and personal care sectors .

  28. 在Java社区很多软件商都提供了JMS的商业和开源实现,您可以根据自己的需求自由选择软件商。

    Many vendors in the Java community offer both commercial and open source implementations , which gives you the freedom to choose the vendor that suits your needs .

  29. 如果你现在购买的是预装Vista系统的电脑,多数大型Windows电脑生产商都可以在今后免费或者以极低的价格帮你升级至Windows7系统。

    Most major Windows PC makers are offering free , or very low cost , upgrades to Windows 7 later , if you buy a Vista PC now .

  30. VOIP技术成为通信行业最火热的焦点之一,很多运营商都相继推出了VOIP业务。

    VOIP technology to become the focus of the communications industry one of the most fiery , many operators have launched a VOIP service .