
shānɡ biāo biāo zhì
  • trademark sign;trademark symbol
  1. 凡印刷、制作商标标识的行为,均属于《商标印制管理办法》的管理范围。

    All activities related to trademark symbol printing shall fall into the administration scope of the administrative measures for the printing and production of trademarks .

  2. 商标标识是指附着于商品、商品包装或者容器上,或者与商品一并提供给消费者的带有商标的物质载体。

    Trademark symbol refers to a physical carrier bearing a trademark which is attached to a commodity , its packaging or container , or is supplied to consumers along with a commodity .

  3. 收缴并销毁侵权商标标识;

    Confiscating and destroying representations of the trademark that constitute an infringement ;

  4. 任何人不得非法印制或者买卖商标标识。

    No one may illegally print or deal in representations of trademarks .

  5. 所有在该网站注册商标标识,都拥有各自的财产。

    All logos and trademarks on this site are property of their respective owners .

  6. 它要求商标标识设计独特,方便识别,方便传播。

    The trademark should have a unique design and be easy to identify and convenient to propagate .

  7. 非法制造、销售非法制造的注册商标标识罪若干问题研究

    The Research on Illegally Manufacturing , Sale of Illicit Manufacture of a Number of Crimes Registered Trademarks

  8. 帐蓬上应标有制造商、供应商或进口商的名称或商标标识。

    Tents shall be marked with the name or trademark of the manufacturer , supplier or importer .

  9. 台湾没有把销售非法制造的商标标识的行为犯罪化,是立法上的缺漏;

    It is a loophole in the legislation that sale of representations of trademarks produced illegally is not criminalized in Taiwan .

  10. 提出犯罪客体应属复杂客体,犯罪对象应包括注册服务商标标识;

    Proposing the object of crime should be the complex object , the target of crime should include registration service trademark marking ;

  11. 由于我们不使用任何模板,剪贴画或图片,你有权利得到的版权或商标标识。

    As we do not use any clipart or template images you have the right to get the logo copyrighted or trademarked .

  12. 伪造、擅自制造他人注册商标标识或者销售伪造、擅自制造的注册商标标识的;

    Forging , manufacturing without authorization the marks of a registered trademark of others , or selling the marks of a registered trademark forged or manufactured without authorization ;

  13. 第二十一条烟草制品商标标识必须由省级工商行政管理部门指定的企业印制;非指定的企业不得印制烟草制品商标标识。

    Article 21 Trade mark labels for tobacco products must be printed by enterprises designated by the administrative department for industry and commerce at the provincial level . Non-designated enterprises may not print trade mark labels for tobacco products .

  14. 只有同时符合商标标识相同或相似及使用商标标识的商品也相同或相似时,商标之间的混淆才能确定,商标侵权事实才得以认定。

    Only when the conditions that trademark identifications are identical or similar and that the goods upon which the trademark identifications are used are also identical or similar are both met can the misidentification between trademarks be determined and the fact of trademark infringement be established .

  15. 根据你局请示中所述情况,擅自利用他人带有注册商标标识的空瓶,装入其他酒的行为,应属于侵犯注册商标专用权的行为。

    According to the information provided by your bureau in the request for instruction , the act of infusing some wine into the empty bottles with the registered trademarks of someone else shall belong to the act of infringing upon the exclusive right to use registered trademarks .

  16. 大众传媒的迅速普及发展和知识经济全球化,作为企业特别是知名企业的商标标识,其无形资产的价值今非昔比,代表的价值与日俱增,已经将成为二十一世纪最有利的市场经济竞争手段之一。

    With the rapid spread of mass media and the globalization of the knowledge economy , the value of the trademark in business enterprises especially in well-known corporations are increasing and will become one of the most beneficial competition ways in the market-oriented economy in twenty-first century .

  17. 两个发行版技术间唯一的区别是品牌–CentOS替换所有红帽的商标和标识为他自己的。

    The only technical difference between the two is branding-CentOS replaces all Red Hat trademarks and logos with its own .

  18. 分形设计为商标和标识设计提供了一种全新的艺术与科学相统一的表现形式。

    Fractal Design has created a completely new artistic and scientific style in label and logo design .

  19. 标识,商标,标识语:易于辨认且清晰明了的名字、标志或商标。

    A name , symbol , or trademark designed for easy and definite recognition , especially one borne on a single printing plate or piece of type .

  20. 介绍了分形理论的基本内容,概述了分形设计的特点,描述了分形设计在商标和标识设计中的作用和应用。

    This article Introduces the basic content of the Fractal theory , summarizes its characteristics , and describes its effect and application in label and logo design .

  21. 现有规定并没有立足于商标的标识性本质,事实上,评判是否构成商标侵权,关键在于是否可能导致消费者对商品来源的混淆。

    In fact , the crucial point in assessing whether a conduct constitutes trademark infringement is whether such conduct causes confusion of customers regarding the origin of the products .

  22. 广州中博美佳酒业有限公司是香港中博鉴证科技投资集团公司属下子公司,拥有拉洛卡酒庄在中国大陆的独家代理权以及所有拉洛卡商标、标识的使用权。

    Ltd , is the sub company of CAA , and it has all rights to sale Larocca brand wines in China and the permission to use Larocca 's trade marks .

  23. 综合考虑两争议商标的标识、被告侵权商标使用比注册商标较早,没有模仿、复制注册商标的故意,双方商品均多数销往国外市场,已经形成了各自稳定的市场,在市场中并没有产生混淆。

    Considering that the accused trademark uses the disputed logo earlier , so it has no intentional act in copy the registered trademark . The goods of both sides are exported to abroad market and form their stable market severally so they have no confusion in the market .

  24. 客户仅能使用与基于服务的有关管理系统认证认可方案一致的,内涵DNV商标的认证标识。

    Customer may only use the Certification Mark where the DNV logo is embedded corresponding to the Management System Certification Scheme the Services are based on .

  25. 商标即商品标识,是表示商品或服务来源的标识。

    Trademark is the identification of products , which indicates where the product or service comes from .

  26. 前者在本章第一节中比较详细地阐述了商标权与标识性权利的冲突现象,主要是从自然人和法人等组织两类不同的主体角度切入的。

    In the first section , the author elaborates the conflict between trademark rights and labeling rights in detail .

  27. 商标的本质在于标识商品或服务来源。

    The essence of trade mark is identifying goods or services sources .

  28. 一个标有你们的商标名称和产品标识的拨号器价格是250美元。

    Cost to private label the dialer with your brand name and logo is $ 250 .

  29. 注:若有多个商标,请说明标识、包装、生产厂等区分。

    Note : in case of more than one trademark , the distinctions for marks , packages and productive factories shall be stated .

  30. 道格拉斯:这也就是说,在你们的工厂内完成。我们会向贵方提供标签及包含全部法律注册商标在内的公司标识。

    Douglas : That is , through your estate . We 'll provide the stickers and logos which will include all the legal trade markings .